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Jay Cardin

Jay Cardin is a Pre-Sales Solutions Architect here at WEI. His specialties include server virtualization, storage systems and backup and recovery systems. He collaborates with WEI sales executives and network engineers to develop the ideal custom solution for each client. WEI’s commitment to education continues with Jay as he conducts Veeam Backup and Recovery training workshops each quarter for WEI customers. Jay holds several certifications for Veeam, Microsoft, EMC, and VMware.
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Posts by Jay Cardin

Why Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV is a Beautiful Thing

By Jay Cardin |   Jun 30, 2020

When it comes to pieces of the IT puzzle where skimping or going with the option that’s just ‘good enough’ will inevitably come back to haunt you, backup and disaster recovery tops the list.

Empower your Employees to Work Remotely with VDI

By Jay Cardin |   Apr 23, 2020

The recent COVID-19 crisis is a prime example of why contingency plans are so critical in a world that seems increasingly vulnerable to disrupting events. It also shows just how little time you may have to implement a plan. In a world today that operates at the speed of digital on a normal day, even the best laid plans are hard to implement when everything is trending all at once. As Mike Tyson said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” 

Develop An Intelligent Data Strategy Or Risk Falling Behind

By Jay Cardin |   Feb 11, 2020

Correlation may not equal causation, but the link IDC research draws between digital transformation and business success is a strong one. The digital transformation needed to support today’s dynamic business models include a host of new technologies: solid state storage, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), software-defined infrastructure, and cloud, among others.

Infinidat Delivers Petabyte Scale, Performance and Innovation

By Jay Cardin |   Jan 14, 2020

The driver that wins the big race does not get as much credit for the win if he simply drove the fastest car on the track. After all, logic says the driver should win. A recent trend in data storage has been to migrate to all flash array storage solutions. Flash drives are certainly faster than HDD disks. For those enterprises that implement AFA storage arrays, performance is definitely fast, which it should be using the logic of the fastest racecar. However, there are companies that are achieving ultrafast performance without having to pay the premium price for high performance storage media. Now that is real innovation. 

Keep Data at your Fingertips with F2F2C for the Always-On Enterprise

By Jay Cardin |   Dec 03, 2019

In order to maintain a competitive edge, businesses need to be able to move fast, and recover faster. When your success depends on evaluating data in real-time, any kind of hiccup can cost you money. Today’s enterprises need more than backup – they need to be able to rapidly restore critical data in the right contexts. That’s why more and more frequently, disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) architectures are giving way to faster, more efficient flash-to-flash-to-cloud (F2F2C) technologies.

Prepare for the Future of Data Storage with INFINIDAT

By Jay Cardin |   Nov 05, 2019

Enterprises are increasingly realizing the value of their data, and are capturing as much of it as possible to glean whatever insights they can. The challenge, however, is that IT budgets are not growing at the rates needed to properly handle these growing mountains of digital gold.

Flash-to-Flash-to-Cloud (F2F2C): What It Is and Why You Need It

By Jay Cardin |   Oct 15, 2019

In order for developers to keep up with the speed of business, new innovations in storage, backup, and disaster recovery are being rolled out at a breakneck pace. To stay competitive, enterprises must adopt these new methods and technologies for faster restores and greater opportunities to leverage the true value of data across their organization.

Modernize Your IT Infrastructure with HPE Nimble Storage

By Jay Cardin |   Sep 05, 2019

Digital transformation is reinventing the IT infrastructure. Enterprises are shifting to software-defined data centers and the new technology that comes with them. AI and machine learning (ML), cloud utilization, and software-defined storage are just a few of the many new tools that organizations now employ to help them harness the power of their data. As a result, IT infrastructure management has become increasingly complex. IT staff can no longer be expected to manage every part of the infrastructure. However, the answer to this issue is simple: let technology manage itself. AI/ML intelligent data platforms can provide comprehensive data management throughout the infrastructure.

Modern Data Protection With Flash Storage by Pure Storage ObjectEngine

By Jay Cardin |   Aug 06, 2019

Digital transformation is fundamentally changing the way organizations view and manage their data, with an estimated 60 percent of data-driven enterprises scheduled to begin digital transformation by 2020. This transformation allows enterprises to use their data to generate revenue and keep a competitive edge – but only if it can be stored accurately and organized in a way that keeps it easily accessible.

Build Your Ransomware Strategy Before You Need It

By Jay Cardin |   Jun 18, 2019

From news headlines to television sitcom story lines, ransomware has become a major player in the world of IT security. High-profile attacks against enterprises are on the rise, their numbers dramatically increasing every year with nearly two-thirds of organizations surveyed reporting an attack in the last year, and 22 percent reporting weekly attacks.

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