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3 Reasons To Embrace DRaaS For Your Business

By Patrick Gamble |   Jul 25, 2023

Picture this: You've just been involved in a minor car accident. Thankfully, you have car insurance, and while you hoped to never use it, it sits available at a moment’s notice. In the business world, that's the essence of Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS). It's like insurance for your critical data and applications: it might seem unnecessary at first, but when disaster strikes, you'll be grateful for the investment.

The Future of Disaster Recovery: Three Reasons Enterprises Need DRaaS

By Jay Cardin |   May 23, 2023

In the era of remote working cybersecurity risks, evolving IoT, increased cloud services, and revolving ransomware, businesses require reliable IT infrastructure to protect their data and ensure continuity of operations. According to Veeam's 2023 Trends In Data Protection report, 79% of IT leaders see a “Protection Gap” between tolerable data loss and how IT protects their data. Addressing this gap usually involves an upgrade of various disaster recovery services for production and protection. To tackle this concern, enterprises are better off subscribing to Disaster Recovery as-a-Service (DRaaS) rather than traditional disaster recovery solutions for cost efficiency, scalability, and reliability.

Managing Ransomware Attacks: The Best Offense Is A Good Defense

By Michael Thweatt |   Oct 16, 2018

Popping up on prime time television and local news reports, ransomware is so commonplace it has practically become a household phrase. The frequent attacks have made it a focus area for many enterprises because high-profile attacks against them have risen dramatically in the past few years.

8 Questions to Ask About Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

By Jay Cardin |   Aug 21, 2018

Many organizations are intrigued by the concept of Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). The biggest lure? You may no longer have to pay capital costs to set up and staff a secondary data center in order to recover systems after a disaster. In the days before cloud, having dual data center sites was one of the few ways to ensure rapid recovery of systems after a disaster. However, due to its cost, it was an option typically reserved for large companies or those in highly regulated fields. Disaster Recovery as a Service now makes secondary storage available to many small-to-midrange organizations, and what’s more, DRaaS providers offer many different variations on the theme of cloud-based recovery. [click to tweet] 

Why Your Enterprise Needs Disaster Recovery as a Service

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 26, 2018

If a disaster were to hit your enterprise, would your data be protected? This information is the backbone of your organization so hopefully the answer to the questions is yes. However, if your disaster recovery plan is not what you would like it to be, or if it’s missing all together, it’s not too late to protect your data in the event of disaster. 

Why Do I Need Disaster Recovery as a Service?

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 29, 2017

Have you heard about Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)? It’s a hot new buzzword, but is simpler than it sounds. If you want to keep your organization’s data safe from threats, both criminally perpetuated and natural, read on to find out why you should invest in DRaaS today.

Backup and Recovery: Disaster Plan Challenges & Tips

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 07, 2017

The pace of technological change and innovation continues to accelerate in today’s IT organizations. This includes the expansion of advanced virtualization and the emergence of new cloud service delivery models. Yet, despite such progress, the areas of backup and recovery remain underdeveloped at many organizations. Many business leaders struggle to contain rising backup costs, and have little faith in their current procedures’ ability to restore key systems and crucial data, especially in the wake of a real-time crisis or service disruption. [click to tweet]

Backup and Recovery: How to Select a Cloud Service Provider

By Jay Cardin |   Jan 31, 2017

Many organizations are investigating a “Cloud First” approach with their applications; to save on costs of keeping physical hardware, they want to offload the majority of their IT infrastructures to one or more external providers. While that prospect may fully come to fruition at some time in the future, applications and cloud technologies still have much to develop and change before most organizations will be ready for such a wholesale move.

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