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How Enhanced Technology Solutions Improve The Hybrid Work Experience

By Mark Hargreaves |   Nov 29, 2022

The way we work is changing. Traditionally, we went to an office and worked with our team in person, five days a week. But thanks to advancements in technology, that's no longer the only option. Increasingly, people are splitting their time between the office and home. This trend is called the hybrid work experience. And while it has many advantages, it can also be challenging from an end user perspective and an IT perspective.

That's where enhanced technology solutions come in. Providing tools that make remote and collaborative working easier ensures the hybrid work experience is seamless and productive for everyone. In this blog post, we further explore how enhanced technology solutions are improving the hybrid work experience and some of the benefits you can expect.

Staying Connected In The Hybrid Workplace Technology Era

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jul 26, 2022

Gone are the days of working solely from the office. Although there are perks to working on-site such as better security and network connectivity, most people do enjoy being able to work from anywhere. It’s no surprise that 66% of executives are accommodating hybrid work. Employees have a new outlook when it comes to work since COVID, and that is why businesses are figuring out a better post-pandemic office strategy for their teams.

Setting The Tone for Data To Lead Innovation As A Connected CIO

By David Fafel |   Dec 07, 2021

In today’s uncertain business climate, it’s critical to make sure your enterprise places itself at the forefront of innovation and leverages data effectively and efficiently to make decisions. A Connected CIO sets the tone for their team, playing a crucial role in adopting new and efficient technologies that encourage the use of data to lead innovation.

Three Ways Modern Technology Supports Your Remote Workforce

By Mark Hargreaves |   Oct 19, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever reshaped the way we work. At the onset of the pandemic, companies were forced to rapidly transition to working from home. A year and a half later, it appears remote working won’t be fading away anytime soon. One recent study found that 87% of professionals hope to continue working from home, even after the pandemic is over.

4 Things Executives Need To Know About Kubernetes

By Fred McHugh |   Jul 20, 2021

After being popularized and exploding onto the IT scene almost a decade ago, the usage and management of containers is still evolving as new and more efficient organization strategies and tools are developed.

How Dell Can Support Your Remote Workforce

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 13, 2021

Someday, the daily struggle and uncertainty of the pandemic will only be a memory. However, the way we do business has been forever altered and remote workforces are likely here to stay.

Five Key Factors for Driving Digital Innovation

By David Fafel |   Jun 29, 2021

Today, there is an impetus among IT leaders to build stronger digital foundations, enabling their companies to head off future disruptions and secure long-term business success.

New, cloud-based operating models featuring greater speed, agility, and scalability can support the digital transformation enterprises across industries require. By leveraging cutting edge technologies to improve their use of data-driven insights, high-performing organizations can utilize these findings to drive business forward.

HPE and Nutanix – The IT Modernization Dream Team

By Shane Garrett |   May 11, 2021

Batman and Superman. Iron Man and Captain America. Everyone loves when two giants in their own right come together for the common good. Simply put, everyone loves a superhero team up. Enter HPE and Nutanix.

5 Critical Steps To Transform IT Service Delivery

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 12, 2021

When it comes to service delivery, there has never been more pressure on IT teams than today. With rapid adoption of digital technology and the prioritization of responsiveness, employees, customers, vendors, and enterprise leaders expect digital needs to be fulfilled faster than IT can often provide.

Meet WEI's New COVID-19 Screening and Management Solution

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 03, 2020

We understand businesses have a real responsibility to help reduce the possibility of COVID-19 transmission in their organization, and as a technology innovator, WEI is here to help. As COVID-19 continues to challenge our daily lives, enterprise leaders are in need of a tool to ensure the safety of their employees while also promoting productivity and efficiency wherever possible. To help fill this need, WEI has introduced iCovidScreen, a web-based mobile COVID-19 self-screening application, utilizing a custom questionnaire based on the latest Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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