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Dell PowerEdge Servers Lead The Way For Sustainable Digital Transformation

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jul 11, 2023

As various businesses embrace the digital transformation era, sustainability has become a pressing concern, especially when it comes to aligning with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. For this reason, data centers have come under scrutiny for their significant power usage, which accounts for an astounding 4% of global electricity consumption. To stay within ordinances, enterprises are adopting greener initiatives as part of their digital transformation journey and their data centers.  

This brings us to Dell Technologies, which has made remarkable strides in sustainability with its latest generation of PowerEdge servers, offering businesses a simple way to scale workloads while prioritizing eco-friendly practices

The WEI Podcast Is Available On Apple And Spotify

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 17, 2023

You’re getting ready for the workday, whether it is going to be spent at home or in the work office. You eventually get to your desk and engage with emails, answer IT support tickets, and correspond with colleagues on the group chat. The busy start does not go without your favorite podcast, however. You pop in your ear buds and continue the podcast series that expands on whichever niche topic that interests you. The episode holds your attention just enough to enable easy learning. Whatever the topic is, you are locked in and ready to support your IT team.

Employees Can Be A Cybersecurity Vulnerability. Protect Them!

By Josh Cronin |   Dec 06, 2022

As the world becomes increasingly digitized and interconnected, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes more apparent. In order to stay ahead of ever-evolving threats and challenges, it is important to have a clear and effective cybersecurity strategy in place. The IT industry has seen many changes in recent years, and the future looks even more volatile. It is crucial that businesses adapt quickly and ensure their cybersecurity strategies keep up with the pace of change. Here we discuss some of the key trends in cybersecurity that businesses should be aware of, as well as tools to help your business stay ahead of the technological curve.

How Enhanced Technology Solutions Improve The Hybrid Work Experience

By Mark Hargreaves |   Nov 29, 2022

The way we work is changing. Traditionally, we went to an office and worked with our team in person, five days a week. But thanks to advancements in technology, that's no longer the only option. Increasingly, people are splitting their time between the office and home. This trend is called the hybrid work experience. And while it has many advantages, it can also be challenging from an end user perspective and an IT perspective.

That's where enhanced technology solutions come in. Providing tools that make remote and collaborative working easier ensures the hybrid work experience is seamless and productive for everyone. In this blog post, we further explore how enhanced technology solutions are improving the hybrid work experience and some of the benefits you can expect.

Creating A Secure, Efficient Hybrid Workplace With SD-WAN Technologies

By Mike Thweatt |   Nov 22, 2022

SD-WAN (software-defined wide area network) deployments are becoming increasingly common as businesses strive to improve their employee productivity and agility. However, many SD-WAN solutions on the market today are incomplete and do not provide the full range of benefits that businesses require. Issues like limited scalability, the lack of automation to simplify operations, lackluster cloud on-ramp, and cloud and SaaS integrations can result in a poor user experience that undermines the value of an SD-WAN deployment.

Making IT Lifecycle Management and Server Migrations More Efficient

By David Fafel |   Nov 01, 2022

One of the most exciting aspects of working in information technology is the stream of new advancements taking place every single day. The drawback of those technological developments is that both hardware and software quickly grow outdated. For that reason, many technology professionals advise enterprises to develop a comprehensive IT lifecycle management strategy. Later in this blog article, we will use server migration as an example as we explore IT lifecycle management, obstacles to efficiency, and solutions for IT modernization.

How You Can Bring Cybersecurity Into The Home Office With SD-WAN

By Mike Thweatt |   Oct 25, 2022

The emergence of remote and hybrid work opportunities serves as one of the biggest lasting changes the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our lives. This popular option saves money for both the employer and the employee while helping many workers find the work-life balance they were looking for. Unfortunately, working from home has also brought with it a host of technological conundrums, particularly when it comes to cybersecurity.

Why Your Business Needs To Protect Its Data At The Hardware Level

By Mark Hargreaves |   Oct 18, 2022

In most cases, technological developments are worth celebrating. Over the past five years alone, our technology strategies have become more efficient and integrated than ever before. Unfortunately, the same advancements that are used to develop a streamlined IT infrastructure are also used by data miners, malware, and viruses.

Staying Connected In The Hybrid Workplace Technology Era

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jul 26, 2022

Gone are the days of working solely from the office. Although there are perks to working on-site such as better security and network connectivity, most people do enjoy being able to work from anywhere. It’s no surprise that 66% of executives are accommodating hybrid work. Employees have a new outlook when it comes to work since COVID, and that is why businesses are figuring out a better post-pandemic office strategy for their teams.

How To Support Efficiency For Hybrid Multi-Cloud Environments

By Fred McHugh |   May 17, 2022

Almost every enterprise across many different industries is using cloud infrastructure to help meet business goals more efficiently. Developing strategies that include multiple clouds can help with reduced IT costs and flexibility. The majority of businesses plan to implement hybrid and multi-cloud solutions to maximize efficiency. In fact, 92 percent of businesses are already moving to a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy. In this article, we discuss hybrid and multi-cloud efficiency and what’s required to implement the transition to this strategy. After all, the days of single cloud use are just about obsolete for mid-size enterprises and up.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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