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How To Ensure Your Data Center Network Delivers Your Business Goals

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 04, 2024

The non-stop digital revolution demands agile and adaptable data center network infrastructures that seamlessly adjust to evolving business needs, accommodate unforeseen circumstances, support distributed architectures, and mitigate security threats continuously.

Five Best Practices In Building An Agile Data Center Network

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 19, 2024

Traditionally seen as physical rooms filled with activity, data centers have become the silent workhorses of the digital world. They house critical infrastructure, from basic communication tools to advanced applications and cloud services. However, with growing demands, how we manage these networks needs to be transformed.

Five Reasons To Prioritize Data Agility and Security

By David Fafel |   Mar 05, 2024

Organizations today encounter a significant challenge in handling and safeguarding data. The reasons include the inflow of various customer and business information, the widespread use of multiple devices, and the growth of remote work arrangements. As businesses increasingly rely on data for decision-making and forecasting, the need for reliable storage solutions has become important.

Network Operations: The Six Key Benefits Of Intent-Based Networking

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 04, 2024

A recent Gartner report identified simplifying and automating IT infrastructure as the top strategic priority for businesses. This shift is driven by the limitations of data centers often burdened with complex, short-term solutions that sacrifice long-term reliability. The result? Slow innovation, frustrating user experiences, and costly downtime. By embracing automation and optimization, businesses can streamline processes, reduce costs, and unlock new opportunities to drive them forward in today’s dynamic market.

Navigating Data Management: Which HPE GreenLake Storage Solution Is Best For You?

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 29, 2023

Have you ever cleaned your house and identified random items scattered around or realized an appliance needs maintenance? Businesses experience similar scenarios when dealing with data and workloads. It's like navigating a cluttered space in desperate need of organization. That’s where HPE GreenLake comes in. This technology can be your personal organization guru and bring order to your data.

Why You Should Invest In HPE Alletra For A Robust Digital Transformation

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 15, 2023

Cloud operations have significantly reshaped digital transformation, especially storage-as-a-service. The focus for storage management is shifting from infrastructure to applications, revolutionizing how businesses handle data. Despite these advancements, challenges such as costly services, data availability rates, scalability, and complex management require careful consideration and resolution.

Proving Its Value: A Day Zero Cost Analysis of Juniper Apstra

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 15, 2022

To build a lasting house, you must first build a strong foundation. Without a strong foundation, you cannot build whatever you desire on it. The same principle can be applied to a data center. A data center requires a well-designed and stable infrastructure that offers the required agility to accommodate dynamically changing technology environments. Ultimately, this ensures greater longevity.

Zero-Trust Security Strategy With Juniper Networks' Intent-Based Networking

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 08, 2022

This summer and fall, our team has written a great deal on how Juniper Networks' intent-based networking (IBN) technology is helping companies automate the configuration, deployment, and management of enterprise data center components. We’ve identified how IBN validates the operational state of the network to ensure that it matches its slated intentions. That’s important because in the end, your technology investments are only effective if they further the business objectives of the organization. IBN prevents your technology directives from going adrift.

But what about security? Security must always be part of any discussion involving new technology solutions due to the prevalence of cyberattacks that originate from an ever-expanding threat landscape. The increasing risk factors that companies face today are forcing them to adapt zero-trust security strategies to reduce their threat exposure. Juniper Apstra not only complies with a zero-trust security mandate, but it also helps enforce it.

Four Ways IBN Creates Measurable Business Value

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 10, 2022

Enterprise technology vendors bombard IT leaders everywhere with messaging that emphasizes the value or added value that their solutions provide. However, value is an open-ended term, and as a consequence, eventually loses its effectiveness.

On the other hand, measured value is a whole other matter. The ability to assign a quantitative value to a respective solution allows for more informed decision making. That’s why Juniper Networks commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that an organization might realize from a Juniper Apstra deployment.

Five Data Center Pain Points That IBN Solves

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 20, 2022

Modernized data centers require a great deal of investment and planning to be implemented and deployed correctly. As an IT leader, you must deploy the data center properly from the outset and ensure that it operates the way it was intended across its entire lifecycle. Otherwise, your enterprise will never realize its full potential and miss out on valuable ROI. While there are many challenges in building, operating, and supporting a data center today, we have identified five highly preventable pain points that companies find themselves struggling with today. The good news is that today’s intent-based networking (IBN) solutions such as Juniper Apstra can permanently relieve these common pain points.

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