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Three Benefits Of Veeam’s Data Protection Update To Your Cybersecurity Strategy

By Jay Cardin |   Jan 30, 2024

Imagine your IT organization as a ship sailing the seas. Equipped with a sturdy hull, a reliable power source, and a skilled crew, you’re ready to handle any potential threats that appear during your ocean voyage. However, massive waves from an incoming storm unexpectedly hit, which destroys your ship and sweeps away everything onboard. Despite team’s intense preparation, your vessel and its crew are caught off guard for this specific disaster, leaving survival uncertain.

Four Ways Veeam and ExaGrid Support Your Data Protection and Backup Strategy

By Jay Cardin |   Oct 17, 2023

In the fast-moving world of data security, a resilient and dependable backup solution is an absolute necessity. For more than a decade, ExaGrid and Veeam have teamed up to offer top-notch products that communicate seamlessly together. The two have harnessed their expertise to combine their highly differentiated products into scalable and cost-effective backup solutions, thus enabling enterprises to achieve the performance and efficiency needed to realize their backup, recovery, and disaster recovery (DR) goals.

The Future of Disaster Recovery: Three Reasons Enterprises Need DRaaS

By Jay Cardin |   May 23, 2023

In the era of remote working cybersecurity risks, evolving IoT, increased cloud services, and revolving ransomware, businesses require reliable IT infrastructure to protect their data and ensure continuity of operations. According to Veeam's 2023 Trends In Data Protection report, 79% of IT leaders see a “Protection Gap” between tolerable data loss and how IT protects their data. Addressing this gap usually involves an upgrade of various disaster recovery services for production and protection. To tackle this concern, enterprises are better off subscribing to Disaster Recovery as-a-Service (DRaaS) rather than traditional disaster recovery solutions for cost efficiency, scalability, and reliability.

Is Your Disaster Recovery Strategy Next Level?

By Jay Cardin |   Sep 20, 2022

A recent WEI study says that 64% of IT leaders cite improved data security for their organization as their top objective over the next 12 months. And for good reason. As technology continues to evolve, it’s not a matter of if an enterprise will have a ransomware attack but when it will happen. With technological advances, it’s not just enterprises that benefit — cyber criminals do as well.

Solidify Your Ransomware Backup Protection Strategy

By Jay Cardin |   Dec 23, 2021

There used to be a single test to determine the effectiveness of your data backup strategy. It centered around successfully restoring your data from a backup, and you would rest easy knowing that you would, in theory, recover from a data loss event. It was really that simple. Still, there were some security concerns as you did not want just anyone accessing the backups who might accidently (or inadvertently) delete them. There was also the threat of confiscating a backup tape containing sensitive or valuable data by an imposter. For the most part, the data backup system was out of sight and out of mind for everyone other than the backup administrator.

Why Modern Infrastructure Needs A Modern Backup Solution

By Jay Cardin |   Sep 15, 2020

Keeping up with the latest advances in IT technology is a task in and of itself. Once you add implementation and administering each new solution, it can become overwhelming. However, despite the hassle of upgrading, it’s a necessary to ensure that each part of your IT infrastructure is performing as optimally as possible.

Industry Info to Know – 07.17.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 17, 2020

The summertime is in full swing, but we're not seeing a summertime slump at WEI. Our customers are locked-in, focused on what's ahead and how to get there in a cost-effective way. Our customers understand the technologies they adopt today will impact the future of their business, and will better prepare them for whatever comes next. Whether it's revisiting remote workforce strategies that are looking to become more permanent than once thought, modernizing backup infrastructure, or doubling down on enterprise security. The major commonality we're seeing? IT leaders are accelerating digital transformation projects because business needs have drastically changed and require modern solutions, right now.

Why Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV is a Beautiful Thing

By Jay Cardin |   Jun 30, 2020

When it comes to pieces of the IT puzzle where skimping or going with the option that’s just ‘good enough’ will inevitably come back to haunt you, backup and disaster recovery tops the list.

Industry Info to Know – 04.24.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 24, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

As a team of trusted advisors to your company, we put a lot of effort into perfecting our practice. We are continuously learning, testing, and expanding our expertise across all facets of the enterprise IT landscape. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape.

Keep Data at your Fingertips with F2F2C for the Always-On Enterprise

By Jay Cardin |   Dec 03, 2019

In order to maintain a competitive edge, businesses need to be able to move fast, and recover faster. When your success depends on evaluating data in real-time, any kind of hiccup can cost you money. Today’s enterprises need more than backup – they need to be able to rapidly restore critical data in the right contexts. That’s why more and more frequently, disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) architectures are giving way to faster, more efficient flash-to-flash-to-cloud (F2F2C) technologies.

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