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Leverage Comprehensive Cloud Expertise For Your Cloud-Native Journey

By Fred McHugh |   Jun 03, 2024

Modern IT demands agility and scalability. They are common buzzwords in IT, but it’s true that enterprises are increasingly seeking hybrid cloud strategies that blend the stability of virtualized environments with the flexibility of containerized applications. vSphere with Tanzu presents a compelling solution, but its implementation requires careful planning and expertise – something WEI is ready and willing to assist with.

Application Management: Keep Pace With Your Application Modernization

By Patrick Gamble |   Feb 16, 2023

It’s Tuesday and you are waiting for work colleagues to join you at lunch for a quick reprieve from the office. You pull out your smartphone and begin browsing to pass the time. An interesting technology article catches your eye and you tap to access the page. Unfortunately, the session times out and your engagement with that journey ends prematurely. Does this experience sound familiar?

How VMware Tanzu Supports Your Journey To Application Modernization

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 05, 2021

Every enterprise has its own library of applications and many of these libraries include a core set of applications that, while older, still play an incredibly important part in the day-to-day operations of your enterprise. However, as enterprises prioritize digital transformation these legacy applications may start lagging behind and integration complexity grows. That’s where application modernization comes in.

4 Things Executives Need To Know About Kubernetes

By Fred McHugh |   Jul 20, 2021

After being popularized and exploding onto the IT scene almost a decade ago, the usage and management of containers is still evolving as new and more efficient organization strategies and tools are developed.

Industry Info to Know – 05.01.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   May 01, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

We made it to May! There have been a lot of lessons learned over the past 45 days and we're helping our clients move beyond the initial pivot of urgency response to strategic planning. We are closely monitoring trends from the industry and keeping an eye on supply chain updates to ensure our customers can move their business critical projects forward. If you are facing an unforeseen challenge or want to review a few competing solutions, let's start a conversation. You can also sign up for this weekly blog update to help you stay connected to what is going on in the industry and for a roundup of the most helpful articles from WEI's enterprise IT tech partners.

Top 10 Multicloud Storage Use Cases

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 03, 2019

Last week, we covered a checklist of core requirements needed to prepare for multicloud storage deployments. This included internal operations and capabilities needed, as well as important questions to ask during the process.

4 Steps to Maintain Proper Visibility with Containers

By David Fafel |   Sep 13, 2018

Did you know that 34% of IT Decision Makers reported they are concerned with adopting containers due to a lack of full visibility?1

Using Containers? Here are 7 Benefits of Visibility Tools.

By David Fafel |   Sep 06, 2018

Why Containers

Containers are best known for their role in simplifying application development, providing a disposable, reusable unit to modularize delivery, and bring consistency to virtually every development stage. They have demonstrated an ability to move DevOps forward by transforming the way development and infrastructure teams operate, and they have helped these teams move ever closer to continuous delivery. However, managing containers presents an entirely new challenge for most organizations. Containers, by their very nature, rely on shared resources. These may range from operating systems and application files to hosting resources including memory and CPU. When left unchecked, container use can lead to sprawl and may result in resource drain. With hooks into so many different areas, there is a strong incentive to know precisely what these containers are doing, what resources they are consuming, and how they are utilizing the network.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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