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Strengthen Incident Detection and Response with a Left of Bang Cyber Strategy & Mindset

By Todd Humphreys |   Nov 30, 2023

This is the first installment of a two-part series dissecting the Left of Bang strategy and mindset and how it applies to modern cybersecurity practices. Click here to read part two. 

Cybersecurity threats, including ransomware, malware and phishing, continue to grow and evolve, increasing risk for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Global Risks Report, cybercrimes rank among the top ten global risks—ahead of the natural resources and debt crises, prolonged economic downturn and the use of weapons of mass destruction. With 91% of respondents in the 2023 Global Cybersecurity Outlook study reporting that a “far-reaching, catastrophic cyber event is at least somewhat likely in the next two years,” organizations need to do more to keep pace with the diverse, ever-changing threat landscapeto better manage cyber risk.

Empower A Security-First Strategy With Lenovo ThinkShield Asset Intelligence

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 28, 2023

In the constantly changing world of cyber threats, it's crucial for organizations to strengthen their defenses. While advanced security features are important, they become less effective if basic security measures, like building a “security-first” culture in the workplace, are overlooked.

How AI-Driven SD-WAN Can Boost Retailers' Digital Transformation

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 20, 2023

The retail industry has rapidly changed in recent years, embracing offline, online, and hybrid shopping as the new norm. Technology has thus become an essential factor in the success of retailers, which puts significant pressure on them to keep up with the latest tools and reconsider their approaches. To align their current infrastructure with the evolving landscape, retailers must focus on networking as a central aspect of their efforts. This entails an aggressive adoption of digital transformation through cloud computing and omnichannel retailing, modernization of inventory management, and implementation of advanced data loss prevention systems.

How To Take The Best Approach For Your Unified Storage Journey

By Patrick Gamble |   Jun 13, 2023

As customer preferences, business operations, and enterprise competition evolve, IT leaders must ensure their data storage solutions meet customer needs. For that reason, an enhanced security and data recovery strategy is required for thriving in today's fast-paced digital economy. One method to achieve this objective is implementing unified storage, which consolidates all data into a single, scalable platform and mitigates potential threats. This allows businesses to replace ineffective data storage systems and deploy a simplified, efficient solution that minimizes downtime and streamlines operations.

Email Security: Protecting Your Organization From Phishing Scams

By Mike Thweatt |   Mar 21, 2023

Email is a vital part of our lives, both for business and personal communications. However, this integral tool is increasingly vulnerable to malicious attacks by cybercriminals aiming to steal credentials, confidential data, or funds. To protect against these complex threats, companies need a robust multi-layered security measure in place when handling emails.

How Unified Storage Addresses Ransomware Threats, Enables Recovery

By Patrick Gamble |   Dec 13, 2022

The quantity and severity of ransomware attacks are expected to rise once again in 2023, and businesses need to take steps to protect themselves from these costly and disruptive incidents. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, “Ransomware will cost its victims around $265 billion (USD) annually by 2031.” These attacks have a devastating impact on enterprises, causing critical data loss and downtime. In addition, businesses may also be liable for the cost of the ransomware attack itself.

Because organizations generate a large amount of data every day and have increasingly large workloads moving between hybrid and multi-cloud environments, unified storage has become important for ransomware protection. In this post, we cover what unified storage is and how it addresses ransomware.

Zero-Trust Security Strategy With Juniper Networks' Intent-Based Networking

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 08, 2022

This summer and fall, our team has written a great deal on how Juniper Networks' intent-based networking (IBN) technology is helping companies automate the configuration, deployment, and management of enterprise data center components. We’ve identified how IBN validates the operational state of the network to ensure that it matches its slated intentions. That’s important because in the end, your technology investments are only effective if they further the business objectives of the organization. IBN prevents your technology directives from going adrift.

But what about security? Security must always be part of any discussion involving new technology solutions due to the prevalence of cyberattacks that originate from an ever-expanding threat landscape. The increasing risk factors that companies face today are forcing them to adapt zero-trust security strategies to reduce their threat exposure. Juniper Apstra not only complies with a zero-trust security mandate, but it also helps enforce it.

Employees Can Be A Cybersecurity Vulnerability. Protect Them!

By Josh Cronin |   Dec 06, 2022

As the world becomes increasingly digitized and interconnected, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes more apparent. In order to stay ahead of ever-evolving threats and challenges, it is important to have a clear and effective cybersecurity strategy in place. The IT industry has seen many changes in recent years, and the future looks even more volatile. It is crucial that businesses adapt quickly and ensure their cybersecurity strategies keep up with the pace of change. Here we discuss some of the key trends in cybersecurity that businesses should be aware of, as well as tools to help your business stay ahead of the technological curve.

Creating A Secure, Efficient Hybrid Workplace With SD-WAN Technologies

By Mike Thweatt |   Nov 22, 2022

SD-WAN (software-defined wide area network) deployments are becoming increasingly common as businesses strive to improve their employee productivity and agility. However, many SD-WAN solutions on the market today are incomplete and do not provide the full range of benefits that businesses require. Issues like limited scalability, the lack of automation to simplify operations, lackluster cloud on-ramp, and cloud and SaaS integrations can result in a poor user experience that undermines the value of an SD-WAN deployment.

How You Can Bring Cybersecurity Into The Home Office With SD-WAN

By Mike Thweatt |   Oct 25, 2022

The emergence of remote and hybrid work opportunities serves as one of the biggest lasting changes the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our lives. This popular option saves money for both the employer and the employee while helping many workers find the work-life balance they were looking for. Unfortunately, working from home has also brought with it a host of technological conundrums, particularly when it comes to cybersecurity.

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