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Enterprise Software Company Modernizes Data Protection Strategy With WEI

By Patrick Gamble |   Jul 25, 2024

It is not uncommon for a homegrown data protection strategy to
encounter scalability challenges in an evolving IT environment as demands from
rapid data growth, lifecycle management, and ransomware protection inevitably
surface. Such was the case for a prominent enterprise software company that
was in need of a modernized approach to data protection. With assistance from
WEI, the customer evaluated Rubrik’s enterprise-class backup and recovery
solution, aiming for a comprehensive enterprise data protection approach
that enhanced its cyber resilience against ransomware threats and ensured its
mission-critical workloads were protected at scale.

Three Benefits Of Veeam’s Data Protection Update To Your Cybersecurity Strategy

By Jay Cardin |   Jan 30, 2024

Imagine your IT organization as a ship sailing the seas. Equipped with a sturdy hull, a reliable power source, and a skilled crew, you’re ready to handle any potential threats that appear during your ocean voyage. However, massive waves from an incoming storm unexpectedly hit, which destroys your ship and sweeps away everything onboard. Despite team’s intense preparation, your vessel and its crew are caught off guard for this specific disaster, leaving survival uncertain.

Five Proven Use Cases For SD-WAN In The Financial Services Industry

By Victor Fabian |   Jan 23, 2024

The financial services sector is dealing with new challenges as they race to digitize for a better customer experience and high-performing branch operations. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are capitalizing on the increased complexity.

How To Navigate Modern Data Security Challenges In The Hybrid Cloud Era

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 16, 2024

Every organization relies on data, and it’s crucial to keep it safe, recoverable, and secure. When it comes to data security, organizations act like vigilant guardians protecting a treasure. To shield against threats like ransomware and hardware failures, they continuously upgrade hardware and software and analyze methods to improve systems and backups. Research suggests that the best way to reduce hidden threats is by using technologies that automate infrastructure checks and implementing network segmentation.

Is There A Better Way To Consume Disaster Recovery?

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 23, 2023

When recording a significant event where every moment matters, would you choose a video camera or a standard camera? A video camera, complete with expansive memory, makes frame-by-frame recording possible. In contrast, a standard camera only takes occasional photos and fails to capture the in-between moments that define an event in its entirety.

3 Reasons To Embrace DRaaS For Your Business

By Patrick Gamble |   Jul 25, 2023

Picture this: You've just been involved in a minor car accident. Thankfully, you have car insurance, and while you hoped to never use it, it sits available at a moment’s notice. In the business world, that's the essence of Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS). It's like insurance for your critical data and applications: it might seem unnecessary at first, but when disaster strikes, you'll be grateful for the investment.

The Future of Disaster Recovery: Three Reasons Enterprises Need DRaaS

By Jay Cardin |   May 23, 2023

In the era of remote working cybersecurity risks, evolving IoT, increased cloud services, and revolving ransomware, businesses require reliable IT infrastructure to protect their data and ensure continuity of operations. According to Veeam's 2023 Trends In Data Protection report, 79% of IT leaders see a “Protection Gap” between tolerable data loss and how IT protects their data. Addressing this gap usually involves an upgrade of various disaster recovery services for production and protection. To tackle this concern, enterprises are better off subscribing to Disaster Recovery as-a-Service (DRaaS) rather than traditional disaster recovery solutions for cost efficiency, scalability, and reliability.

How Zerto Can Protect Your Data From Cyberattacks

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 15, 2022

In the last few years, technology has continued to surge ahead, with many of these new developments taking cybersecurity to new heights. Unfortunately, the same technologies are being used by a growing number of hackers intent on monetizing your personal and professional data. This comes in the form of targeting both traditional and non-traditional devices such as edge devices and virtual cities.

HPE Introduces a Less Stressful Approach to Backups

By Shane Garrett |   Nov 11, 2021

It seems like we never have enough time to get everything done that we need to do during our time off. Before you know it, the weekend’s over and there’s still items left on our ‘to-do’ list. That’s certainly the way it is for enterprise backups. If you’re a backup administrator, you know the routine too well. Full and incremental backups take an enormous amount of time. They also consume a lot of resources and bandwidth. Because of their negative impact on production environments, we schedule backup jobs during off-peak hours. The problem is that window just never seems to be quite long enough and with burgeoning data repositories and an expanding application portfolio, that window seems to only get smaller. Face it, scheduling backups in the hope they complete in time without interfering with one another is stressful. Administrators can only hope the last backup job completes before users begin to trickle in Monday morning. If not, users will be competing with those same backup jobs for network bandwidth and server utilization resources and the help desk phones begin to ring.

Solution Brief - Backup and Disaster Recovery

Why Modern Infrastructure Needs A Modern Backup Solution

By Jay Cardin |   Sep 15, 2020

Keeping up with the latest advances in IT technology is a task in and of itself. Once you add implementation and administering each new solution, it can become overwhelming. However, despite the hassle of upgrading, it’s a necessary to ensure that each part of your IT infrastructure is performing as optimally as possible.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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