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The Future Of Enterprise Cybersecurity: Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

By Michael Thweatt |   Feb 15, 2022

As enterprises look into the future of a post-pandemic environment, many CIOs recognize the need for a better strategy that supports a remote and hybrid workforce. While many switched to a work-from-home model as a response to the pandemic, more than 50% of employees want to continue working from home permanently.

Discover 3 Ways Aruba ESP Drives Digital Transformation Initiatives

By Victor Fabian |   Jan 25, 2022

As enterprises push their digital transformation efforts into overdrive to support employees and make business decisions from anywhere, they open themselves up to a new world of data and security risks. To help manage this new influx of information and mitigate security breaches, enterprises need a solution that can analyze the massive amounts of unstructured data at the point where people, devices, and things connect to the digital world. This is where HPE Aruba Networking ESP shines. Keep reading to learn more about ESP and how it can help your enterprise on its journey to digital transformation and beyond.

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