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Don't Sleep On A Wireless Network Security Nightmare

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 30, 2022

We’ve been talking a lot about Wi-Fi 6E this spring and summer season even though it was formally introduced by the Wi-Fi Alliance way back in January 2021. So, why all the attention now? There are a lot of groundbreaking aspects of this exciting new technology as Wi-Fi 6E allows for more devices to connect at greater speeds than any of its predecessors. However, it is only now that devices are rolling off the assembly line with Wi-Fi 6E capability. The urgency to upgrade to this new protocol will only grow for enterprises as time goes by.

Wi-Fi 6E: New Boundaries For Wireless Network Performance

By Greg LaBrie |   May 19, 2022

Learn why making a wireless network upgrade to Wi-Fi 6E may not be as complex as you might think. Read more. 

The latest protocol for improving your wireless network performance is beginning to make itself available to new devices here in 2022, and its name is Wi-Fi 6E. Chances are, your network management team may be unacquainted with this new innovative standard as very few client devices currently support it. This unfamiliarity won’t be for long, however. Wi-Fi 6E has too many advantages over its predecessors to be ignored. It is destined to empower a whole new generation of wireless and IoT devices to experience faster speed, lower latency, high capacity, and greater security. It might be the biggest wireless network event that you haven’t heard of.

Modernizing Your WAN Infrastructure Requires A Secure Solution

By Michael Thweatt |   May 12, 2022

Digital transformation initiatives have fallen well within the realm of the traditional wide-area network (WAN). Complications with emerging market trends, shifting consumer demands, and increased competition are primary reasons why one enterprise after another has made the jump to software-defined WAN (SD-WAN). And for those that haven't, well, they most likely (or should) have this on their list of IT investment objectives. If not, there will be compromised business-critical services and network performance.

The Benefits Of NaaS And Why Your Business Should Make It A Priority

By Victor Fabian |   May 10, 2022

The rise of cloud-based computing coincides with the increase of as-a-service models. Many companies realize that transitioning to this business model offers significant opportunities for business development, growth, and financial transparency. Enterprises adding new technologies to IT infrastructure can stretch existing networks beyond capacity. This is why many companies are finding that Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) is exactly what they need to fulfill their business objectives. In this article, we discuss the basics of NaaS, its benefits, and why these advantages can help with the costliness and complexity of managing multiple networks within your organization.

Unpacking The Eight New Standardized NaaS Offerings From HPE GreenLake for Networking

By Victor Fabian |   Apr 12, 2022

Network as a Service (NaaS) offers many advantages for network management teams such as flexibility and increased customization. It is an important way for companies to configure their network infrastructure and allows customers to operate their own networks without the clunky hardware; all that is needed is internet connectivity. As the technology world continues its shift in the “as a service” era, this standardized NaaS offering that HPE GreenLake for Networking makes possible should come as no surprise in GreenLake’s latest expansion. It is the first standardized version of NaaS, a breakthrough for seamless cloud services. In this article we review the benefits of NaaS, the eight new enterprise NaaS offerings from HPE GreenLake for Networking, and how they can improve network application and performance management.

The Big Picture Of HPE's GreenLake Cloud Service Expansion

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 05, 2022

HPE has announced a significant and holistic expansion to their GreenLake cloud service that will accommodate a faster and more simplified digital transformation journey for data-first enterprises. The edge-to-cloud platform has taken “a dramatic step forward in the architecture of the platform with compute, storage and networking services all available in a unified platform.” Let’s review the highlights of this simplified cloud service expansion.

Disruptive Change Ignites New Paradigm of Digital Innovation

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 31, 2022

WEI recently had the pleasure of hosting a virtual conversation about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its critical role in digital transformation and the intelligent network. This eye-opening exchange was led by Linda Bernardi, a professional speaker, author, corporate consultant, and innovative disruptor. In her 40-minute discussion, Linda touched on the power that disruptive technologies are having across the business spectrum. She presented an actionable blueprint outlining the proven AI strategies that companies should be implementing to succeed in this new age. Linda’s bold ideas centered around the need to rethink many of the traditional progressions that restrict our thinking, and ultimately, our success.

Enhance Network Management With AI Technology

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 25, 2022

These days, IT leaders are typically managing and securing their enterprise’s IT estate that is vast in size and pumping with computing power at the outer edges of the network. On top of that, employees are now dispersed across an ever-expanding remote workspace designed to replicate the primary office environment.

Discover the Self-Driving Network That Juniper Mist Delivers

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 17, 2022

Just as the AI-driven app on your smartphone navigates you to a new destination, IT leaders also believe there should be an AI-driven app that assists with managing a self-driving network. Well, turns out there is such an app available for that, and it is called Mist AI from Juniper, a recognized leader in AI for IT operations (AIOps).

AI In The Enterprise and Its Unquestioned Value

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 14, 2022

Be sure to read our blog article, Discover The Self-Driving Network That Juniper Mist Delivers.

Way back in 2005, Gartner predicted that the consumerization of IT would be one of the most significant trends over the next decade. This prediction has held true as the consumerization of IT has repeatedly played itself out in recent years. Emerging technologies have made their way from the consumer market and into business enterprises with the next phase of this consumerization trend now in motion. And its central focus? Artificial intelligence (AI).

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