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Disruptive Change Ignites New Paradigm of Digital Innovation

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 31, 2022

WEI recently had the pleasure of hosting a virtual conversation about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its critical role in digital transformation and the intelligent network. This eye-opening exchange was led by Linda Bernardi, a professional speaker, author, corporate consultant, and innovative disruptor. In her 40-minute discussion, Linda touched on the power that disruptive technologies are having across the business spectrum. She presented an actionable blueprint outlining the proven AI strategies that companies should be implementing to succeed in this new age. Linda’s bold ideas centered around the need to rethink many of the traditional progressions that restrict our thinking, and ultimately, our success.

AI In The Enterprise and Its Unquestioned Value

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 14, 2022

Be sure to read our blog article, Discover The Self-Driving Network That Juniper Mist Delivers.

Way back in 2005, Gartner predicted that the consumerization of IT would be one of the most significant trends over the next decade. This prediction has held true as the consumerization of IT has repeatedly played itself out in recent years. Emerging technologies have made their way from the consumer market and into business enterprises with the next phase of this consumerization trend now in motion. And its central focus? Artificial intelligence (AI).

How IT Staff Augmentation Helps Achieve Digital Transformation Objectives

By Jennifer Burl |   Mar 01, 2022

Judging by the vast increase in technology investments across the board, it is clear enterprises are not waiting to pursue their digital transformation goals. Whether it is AI, the hybrid cloud, or cybersecurity, these technology investments are being made by companies everywhere. It’s worth noting, however, that we are also seeing increased investment in IT staff augmentation, too.

3 Key Factors To Help You Determine The Best Mix of IT Infrastructure For Your Enterprise

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 08, 2022

The decisions you make today for your enterprise’s digital transformation journey will have lasting impacts for years to come. What may be the best solution for one organization doesn’t necessarily make it the right option for yours, and knowing this when going into the digital transformation journey can save you headaches and heartbreak. Many decisions made by enterprises are based on their needs at the time and not on long-term goals, which can cause additional issues in the future.

Discover 3 Ways Aruba ESP Drives Digital Transformation Initiatives

By Victor Fabian |   Jan 25, 2022

As enterprises push their digital transformation efforts into overdrive to support employees and make business decisions from anywhere, they open themselves up to a new world of data and security risks. To help manage this new influx of information and mitigate security breaches, enterprises need a solution that can analyze the massive amounts of unstructured data at the point where people, devices, and things connect to the digital world. This is where HPE Aruba Networking ESP shines. Keep reading to learn more about ESP and how it can help your enterprise on its journey to digital transformation and beyond.

Harness the Power of AI and PCaaS in a Single Package

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jan 20, 2022

It is common practice today for artificial intelligence (AI) to be integrated throughout the components of the datacenter, but what if you could harness the power of AI for your enterprise personal computers (PC)s? Imagine a laptop that could learn how its assigned user actually works and adapt to it to optimize the user desktop experience. Now, that would be something! It also happens to be reality thanks to the world’s first AI-based optimization software for workstations. AI-driving computing is available at the desktop level thanks to Dell’s Precision Optimizer that learns and responds to the way each one of us works.

3 Reasons Why It’s Critical To Modernize Application Development

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 11, 2022

As enterprises push forward with digital transformation initiatives in the face of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s apparent that modernization of application and software development is a critical part of a holistic approach. In fact, according to a recent survey of 5,000 executive-level respondents:

7 Cloud Adoption Best Practices to Follow

By Fred McHugh |   Jan 04, 2022

Deciding that cloud adoption is what’s best for your enterprise is a positive first step toward digital transformation; however, transforming to a cloud-based infrastructure requires more than just an understanding of the technology. It’s important that as you proceed, you understand the best practices in cloud adoption and how to overcome the common barriers associated with the process.

A Hybrid Cloud Solution That Successfully Meets Modern-Day Demands

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 14, 2021

Today, enterprises need to quickly adapt to ever-changing market and consumer demands in order to achieve a successful (and robust) digital transformation. Adopting a hybrid cloud strategy will allow you to meet the evolving expectations of customers and drive your organization further forward.

3 Key Solutions For Modern IT Organizations

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 23, 2021

For your modern IT organization to be successful, you need to be more visible, expedite service delivery, and place more emphasis on enabling the business to extract value from data.

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