If you're new to our Industry Info to Know weekly blog—welcome! Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

There were quite a few articles that caught our attention this week. Let's take a look...
Industry News & Insights
Deploying and Managing Hybrid IT Architectures
With surges in cloud adoption and greater demands for cloud services, your IT infrastructure must deliver on-prem and cloud services with no interruption to the user, but many companies still lack a hybrid IT architecture plan. This article from Information Week discusses options such as IaaS and PaaS, and goes in detail with three steps to help you plan for a hybrid IT architecture that is effective and secure.
3 Tips to Recognize Hidden Costs of the Cloud
Cloud usage and demand has spiked, but businesses must be wary of hidden cloud "gotchas" when it comes to modernizing and scaling their cloud infrastructure. This article featured on Information Week discusses the true cost of ownership associated with public cloud, along with 3 tips to better understand cloud costs.
DDoS Explained: How Distributed Denial of Service Attacks are Evolving
Denial-of-service attacks have been part of the criminal toolbox for twenty years, and they’re only growing more prevalent and stronger. Learn about 3 types of DDoS attacks, symptoms, DDoS attack tools, and how DDoS attacks are evolving in this article featured on CSO online.
Strategies for Overcoming the Cybersecurity Skills Gap
While security solutions play a crucial role in protecting organizations and their assets, business leaders must go beyond adding essential solutions to their toolkits by also looking to their current teams to fully address this issue. This blog post from Fortinet shares 4 tips to help IT leaders overcome the staggering shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals by focusing on the human-to-human element of security.
Leading Through Uncertainty: Tech Execs Talk 2020
The year 2020 has tested the leadership skills of many top tech execs. This article from Information Week shares takeaways from HPE's Discover virtual event where a panel of women executives shared their experiences leading an enterprise through a global pandemic.
Get Back to a Safe Workspace Faster with Cisco CX Location-Based Analytics
If you're in the midst of planning a safe return to the office strategy, check out this Cisco blog that shares how their location-based analytics solution—Cisco DNA Spaces—digitizes physical spaces to provide you with insight about people throughout your workspaces, including how, where, and when they move through your location.
3 Key Stages for Effective Data Modernization
There are plenty of challenges organizations face when trying to organize and understand their data. Silos form and teams aren’t sure how their data impacts the whole business. Multiple tools are implemented with different processes, leading to inconsistencies across the company. This article from Information Week explains the Plan-Build-Execute model, which can position your data modernization initiative for success.
The 15 Most Valuable IT Certifications Today
This helpful article from CIO.com shares information about the most valuable IT certifications in 2020 and why employing IT professionals with these certs can make a big impact in your organization.
Questions about what you read in these articles? We look forward to tackling your most challenging questions and IT challenges. Contact us today.
Assess your remote workforce strategy today
We are finding that companies were all over the gamut when it comes to preparedness for remote workers at scale. WEI has experience and expertise in VDI and Desktop as a Service solutions from the industry's leading vendors. We invite you to take us up on a VDI assessment or VDI Health Check up today.
How can we help?
We've been in tight communications with all customers and are providing peace of mind with the mantra, "Whatever you need, we'll make IT work." And we've answered the call—helping our customers with everything from supplying equipment, parts, cloud advice, architecture design, VDI, networking support, remote monitoring, staff augmentation services, and so much more... Contact us today to learn how we can help your business.
NEXT STEPS: Explore our other editions of the 'Industry Info to Know' Blog Series:
- Industry Info to Know - 06.26.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 06.19.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 06.12.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 06.05.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 05.29.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 05.22.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 05.15.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 05.08.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 05.01.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 04.24.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know - 04.17.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know – 04.10.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know – 04.03.20 Roundup
- Industry Info to Know – 03.27.20 Roundup
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