Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.
As an IT solutions provider serving some of the country's largest enterprises, we put a lot of effort into perfecting our practice. We are continuously learning, testing, and expanding our expertise across all facets of the enterprise IT landscape. We want to earn your trust and earn the badge of trusted advisor to your company. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape. It's exciting to live and work in such a dynamic industry, and we love that we get to be part of that journey with our customers, helping them deliver their next innovation ahead of the curve.

The world, the IT world, and our professional and personal lives have recently taken quite a hit. A hit that is requiring all of us to strategize, mobilize and support our families, friends, and colleagues. WEI is taking action. We've been in tight communications with all customers and are providing peace of mind with the mantra, "Whatever you need, we'll make it work." And we've answered the call—helping our customers with everything from supplying equipment, parts, cloud advice, architecture design, VDI, networking support, remote monitoring, staff augmentation services, and so much more... We're also committed to gathering and sharing knowledgeable and actionable articles to help move your business forward. Articles that cover the topics that are impacting your business now, so you can adjust your strategy to ensure your business thrives during times of uncertainty and beyond.
Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.
Let's take a look at the articles that caught our attention this week.
Industry News & Insights
3 Ways COVID-19 is Changing CISO Priorities
The scramble to enable remote workers changes security strategies, priorities, and workflows. This article from CSO Online provides real feedback from CISOs about how their strategies have shifted and what they deem most important.
COVID-19 Puts New Demands on E-health Record Systems
This Computerworld article discusses the key areas where healthcare systems are under immense strain to securely and effectively share data—suggesting that these new trends present a prime opportunity to innovate.
Zoombombing: What it is and How to Prevent it in Zoom Videos
Zoom has been taking heat this week as security risks have emerged. Learn about 'Zoombombing' and get tips for improving privacy and data security for your users in this article from CNET.
The Biggest Challenges Facing Work-From-Home Employees During the Coronavirus Pandemic
This article from Thrive Global shares insights related to why real-time tracking and analysis of the employee experience throughout this uncertain time is critical, and offers tips for how to support your teams in meaningful ways as they adapt to new ways of working and living.
How to Be Successful with Desktop-as-a-Service - Part 1
In part one of this 2-part blog from Nutanix, use cases, application and data considerations, and networking factors are reviewed as keys to success with DaaS.
How to be Successful with Desktop-as-a-Service - Part 2
In part two of this blog series, Nutanix explores more key factors to success with DaaS, including security, endpoints, management and culture.
Industry Conferences Update
We are actively monitoring the status of industry tradeshows and conferences and will provide updates as they come in. We've been referring to this helpful roundup from SDxCentral: COVID-19 Trade Show Impact (Update).
Assess your remote worker strategy today
We are finding that companies are all over the gamut when it comes to preparedness for remote workers at scale. WEI has experience and expertise in VDI and Desktop as a Service solutions from the industry's leading vendors. We invite you to take us up on a VDI assessment or VDI Health Check up today.
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