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Cisco Paves The Way To A Secure Passwordless Future

By Josh Cronin |   Sep 13, 2022

How many accounts do you log in to every day that require a password? Chances are there are quite a few with banking, health portals, shopping, email, and gaming among the common account types. As more enterprises move forward with their digital transformation efforts, password use will only increase. With the shift to a digital presence, customers, vendors, and employees will eventually need unique account credentials to access the information they require – adding yet another password they must memorize.

Why XDR Matters And How It Can Help Reach Modern Security Goals

By Josh Cronin |   Jul 19, 2022

Security concerns are constant for every enterprise. More employees working from home (or anywhere, really) and other factors leads to network complexity and growth in the cost of data breaches. This also impacts how much organizations are expected to spend on cybersecurity prevention. It is anticipated that companies will increase cybersecurity spending by 26% over the next five years. Luckily, there are advanced solutions such as Extended Detection and Response (XDR) that can help automate threat detection and save time and effort on staying cyber secure. In this article, we cover what XDR is and why it should be included in your future cybersecurity goals.

How An Innovative Approach To Network Segmentation Improves Data Security

By Josh Cronin |   Jun 14, 2022

The rapid implementation of digital transformation across all industries makes network management and security more complex. This heightened complexity increases vulnerabilities, leading to a greater frequency of data breaches along with a higher average cost per breach. Just last year, businesses experienced the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years at $4.24 million, rising from $3.86 million in 2020. To stay protected, enterprises need to utilize efficient approaches such as network segmentation.

Five Tactical Steps to Secure Your Hybrid Workforce Environment

By Josh Cronin |   Mar 24, 2022

At the beginning of the pandemic, many enterprises anticipated only needing remote teams for a few weeks to maybe a couple of months. Now, two years later, it’s clear that remote and hybrid workforces are here to stay. Enterprises and employees have seen the benefits of this environment, but in order to continue supporting this model, IT teams need to consider long-term solutions to enterprise cybersecurity initiatives.

Three Security Technologies From 2020 Enterprises Still Need Today

By Josh Cronin |   Dec 28, 2022

In 2020, new IT Technologies emerged to drive change in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As many enterprises shifted to a remote workforce, they were compelled to adapt to a new IT environment while still ensuring the security of their organization. As a result, three security technologies - SASE, ZTNA, and XDR - rose to the top in this new era of off-campus work.

Top 3 Cybersecurity Strategies From CEO Of Cyber Threat Alliance, Michael Daniel

By Josh Cronin |   Nov 09, 2021

Over the last decade, the topic of cybersecurity has shifted from being a technical subject to a mainstream topic impacting every facet of the organization. As cyberattacks become increasingly more sophisticated, frequent and disruptive executive leaders now face a new complex blend of issues, including economics, business processes, and psychology. 

4 Best Practices for Defeating Ransomware

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 14, 2021

Days after the attack on the Colonial Pipeline, MIT Sloan School of Management professor, Stuart Madnick, said in an interview, “I often say the worst is yet to come.” While this is not a time for pessimism, the trend certainly appears to be headed in the wrong direction. 2021 has brought significant, far-reaching cyber catastrophes: ransomware has taken down one of the largest oil pipelines in the country, the largest meat processing company in the world and the police department of our nation’s capital. Even a ferry operator in Martha’s Vineyard found itself attacked.

3 Key Takeaways From Cybersecurity Expert, Theresa Payton

By Greg LaBrie |   Sep 28, 2021

Today’s cybercriminals are better equipped and are utilizing technology that’s more advanced by the day. With the value and importance of data only growing, protecting that data has never been more essential and enterprises need all the help they can get. With this in mind, we recently held a cybersecurity event to share information on key topics including:

5 Tips For A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy

By Michael Thweatt |   Aug 17, 2021

In the last six months, the fear of cyberattacks has grown significantly, largely due to several high-profile incidents that left enterprises struggling to deal with the fall out and the general public fearful of the next attack.

Get Ready Kids, We’re Going Threat Hunting with Cisco SecureX!

By Josh Cronin |   May 04, 2021

As an IT leader, cybersecurity threats are constantly on your mind. They lurk in dark corners, lay in wait and when a moment of vulnerability presents itself, they strike!

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