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5 Reasons Why Nimble is the Flash Storage Solution for Hybrid IT

By Jay Cardin |   Jul 24, 2018

Hybrid IT and flash storage are an impressive match. With hybrid IT’s structure combining a mixture of on and off premise resources, it delivers services in a more optimized, balanced and automated fashion, while flash storage has the ability to offer agility and impressive backup and disaster recovery capabilities. The two together can provide: 

3 Challenges and Benefits of Cisco Tetration

By Josh Cronin |   Jul 19, 2018

In last week's post we discussed the Cisco Tetration Analytics Platform—what the platform is and how it integrates with the modern enterprise. We talked about how it supports a “Zero-Trust” security model and explained the story that ties in with its creation with an interesting use case involving Cisco and WEI.

Achieve 100% Network Visibility with Cisco Tetration

By Josh Cronin |   Jul 12, 2018

How much visibility do you have into your organization’s network? How confident is your IT team in its ability to accurately map out the network, which is a necessary step in data center migrations. According to a white paper from IDC, a mere 18% increase in network visibility can improve security breach preventative measures by over 40%. Many organizations know there are devices on their network that are unaccounted for, but many do not have a way of even guessing how many devices that is, let alone strategizing how to secure them.

4 Tips for an Enterprise Storage Performance Checkup

By Michael Thweatt |   Jul 10, 2018

When was the last time you gave your storage solutions an in-depth and thorough review? Whichever enterprise storage solution you use for your organization, it’s important to make sure that the brain of your operations is working smoothly and data is flowing where it’s needed, when it’s needed.

WEI Solves Connectivity Challenges with a Custom IoT Solution

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 05, 2018

A leading workforce management company addresses unique security and connectivity challenges with a custom machine-to-machine network solution.

Why Your Enterprise Needs Nimble Flash Storage

By Jay Cardin |   Jul 03, 2018

What storage solution can be found in both the enterprise and personal cell phones? Flash storage. It’s a flexible and compact option that does away with the traditional Hard Disk Drive (HDD). While it is becoming more common to see flash in both the enterprise as well as consumer electronics, the similarities stop there. In this article, you will discover how HPE’s Nimble flash storage is not just any other solution on the market and why you should choose their secondary flash array.

Figuring out Platform Service Controller (PSC) high availability with a Hybrid Approach

By Fred McHugh |   Jun 28, 2018

The WEI engineering team thrives on solving our customer's toughest technology challenges. Often times these challenges are the first of their kind--meaning there are no google searches that will lead to a solution, the forums haven't covered it yet and the vendor/supplier teams are racking their brains to solve the unique challenge.

Why Your Enterprise Needs Disaster Recovery as a Service

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 26, 2018

If a disaster were to hit your enterprise, would your data be protected? This information is the backbone of your organization so hopefully the answer to the questions is yes. However, if your disaster recovery plan is not what you would like it to be, or if it’s missing all together, it’s not too late to protect your data in the event of disaster. 

Pharmacy Achieves Significant Cost Savings with Custom IoT Solution

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 21, 2018

What is IoT?

If you have ever heard someone refer to a device as “smart,” then you have been exposed to IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a buzzword thrown around not only the business world, but everyday life as well. It is both “the future” and “the now,” but what exactly is it? According to Network World, “The internet of things, at its simplest level, is a network of smart devices - from refrigerators that warn you when you’re out of milk to industrial sensors – that are connected to the internet so they can share data.”

Apple in the Enterprise: Are You Prepared?

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 19, 2018

Apple is one of the greatest comeback success stories for technology. Since the mid-1980s, the Mac computer grew from owning only five-percent of the computer market to dominating it today. While loyal Apple users demand the ability to use their devices in the workplace, enterprises and IT have pushed back since their products are expensive and not easily adaptable to the enterprise mobility setting. As Apple grows and continues to dominate the market, IT is shifting its thoughts on the use of these products and devices in the organization.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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