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Aruba Clearpass: A Clear Solution for Enterprise Cybersecurity

  Greg LaBrie     Feb 06, 2018

enterprise-cybersecurityWith the advancement in technology, employees are no longer stuck working at their desk in order to access the information they need to do their jobs. This freedom allows greater flexibility and productivity, but it also opens the door for enterprise cybersecurity threats and the potential for unauthorized access to proprietary information.

Aruba Clearpass offers your IT department a way to protect your data while allowing authorized users the ability to access information on the go or in the office. Keep reading for some key tips from Aruba Clearpass Policy Manager Briefing on how to protect your organization from enterprise cybersecurity dangers in today’s changing environment.

4 Enterprise Cybersecurity Tips from Aruba

  1. Have a Strong Foundation. Establishing a strong IT foundation sets the groundwork for protecting your enterprise. With Aruba’s Clearpass Policy Manager, administrators can manage and control, “How users and their devices connect – wired, wireless or VPN – to access corporate resources.” This foundation allows them to put policies in place to protect the organization from the start, cutting off potential cybersecurity threats before they can begin while still encouraging the mobility your employees need.
  2. Know the Devices Connected to Your Network. This solution helps with, “understanding what devices are being used, how many, where, and which operating systems are supported provide a foundation.” Knowledge is power. With employees, when connecting to your enterprise from outside the office and on the go, it’s critical to keep tabs on who is accessing sensitive material, what they are getting into and setting limits on what can be retrieved. The first line of defense is knowing who is on your network, when they were there, how they used it and on what kind of device.
  3. Control Who Can Enter Your Network. “From this single ClearPass policy and AAA platform, contextual data is leveraged across the network to ensure that users and devices are granted appropriate access privileges – regardless of access method or device ownership.” Beyond knowing who is on your network, IT managers need to be able to set boundaries for individuals and what they can retrieve.

The Aruba Clearpass Policy Manager offers the flexibility to set specific limits for, “User roles, device types, available MDM data and certificate status, location, day-of-week, and time-of-day,” giving IT more control and protecting your enterprise from cybersecurity threats.

  1. Define Which Devices Can Access Your Network. From guests to employees, when it comes to mobile use of your network it’s important to set regulations on the devices that are allowed to gain access. With Clearpass Policy Manager, “The IT team defines who can onboard devices, the type of devices they can onboard, and how many devices each person can onboard.” Lower the threat of cybersecurity breaches by ensuring only certain devices that meet specific requirements have access to your organization’s network.

With Aruba’s Clearpass Policy Manager, your enterprise’s IT department can streamline how they manage and protect the network while still allowing employees to work from anywhere. Contact us today to learn more about Aruba’s Clearpass Policy Manager and how it can protect your organization from cybersecurity threats.

Next Steps: Get a leg up for your enterprise by signing up for a wireless network assessment from a trusted technology partner, WEI.

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Greg LaBrie

Written by Greg LaBrie

Greg LaBrie has more than 20 years of network architecture and engineering experience designing networks that exceed technical requirements, improve operational proficiency and reduce total costs of ownership. Greg holds a number of technical certifications for HPE, Cisco, Fortinet, and much more.

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