Mark Gabryjelski
| Jun 25, 2020
With the abrupt surge in remote work over the past several months, VDI has become a buzzword again, and understandably so. The year of VDI may finally be upon us! Traditional end user device deployments did not quite cut it as many companies found themselves scrambling to place laptop orders for users that had previously never required one. The actual purchase of laptops is only the beginning, however. Every additional end user device introduced means one more piece of hardware that must be inventoried, imaged, managed and secured. Each device is one more point of vulnerability that can be damaged, lost or stolen. Additional hardware equates to more work for internal IT. Rather than focusing on value generating ideas and solutions, internal IT becomes saddled with managing and tracking devices. VDI and the creation of end user computing (EUC) alleviates the constraints that the habitual practice of buying more hardware produces.