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How Qumulo Shift For Amazon S3 Can Revolutionize Your Data Storage

By Jay Cardin |   Aug 31, 2021

How much data is your enterprise creating and what are you doing about it? For most companies, data is being created, and subsequently stored, at faster and faster rates. However, many enterprises lack the tools to properly utilize and take advantage of their data, especially those that are still struggling with just the data storage part of the equation.

Exciting Benefits of Nutanix Clusters for Hybrid Cloud, Multicloud

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Jul 29, 2021

Let’s talk about clusters and clouds. We often associate the word “cluster” with terms such as redundancy, resiliency or workload distribution. IT admins have traditionally turned to clustering bare metal systems such as firewall appliances, web servers, and virtual hosting platforms for years. When we consider the “cloud” we think about characteristics such as limitless scalability, elasticity, and simplicity. Of course, the infrastructure that supports these cloud environments is derived from clustered infrastructures, hidden underneath SaaS and IaaS platforms and are thus inaccessible to customers.

How HPE And Morpheus Are Revolutionizing Hybrid Cloud

By Shane Garrett |   Jun 22, 2021

By now you've heard of hybrid cloud and while the offerings available might still seem a little... ah-hem... cloudy, we're here to help you figure out the best mix of cloud solutions for your business, as well as the right cloud model. Today we're talking about how HPE and Morpheus have teamed up to provide a hybrid cloud experience your IT employees will love.

Why We’re Excited About the New Morpheus v5.0 Release

By Fred McHugh |   Oct 13, 2020

Morpheus Data recently unveiled the next version of its hybrid cloud management platform. While already recognized as a Leader in Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Management Platforms, this new release further cements its place on the list.

In addition to improving all the great day-2 functionality that comes built-in, Morpheus made improvements in some key areas of their hybrid cloud management platform. Improving the catalog view with personas is a big one. The ability to tailor a user’s view can really improve the experience. For example, you don’t want non-technical folks overwhelmed with too many options. This allows your team to customize the catalog to each user’s job.

Why your hybrid cloud needs application-centric orchestration

By Fred McHugh |   Aug 04, 2020

In an era of transformation, speed and agility of application infrastructure is key. Unfortunately, it can take IT weeks to deliver new application stacks when requested because of manual hand-offs across a fragmented set of ‘software-definable’ technologies on-premises. This inefficiency leads teams to bypass IT in favor of public cloud application services which raises cloud costs and opens security holes.

What’s Your Multicloud Strategy?

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 06, 2018

Have you found an answer to the big question circling across the IT world—How can we create a cloud-like delivery model for our users? The answer is within “digital transformation,” which focuses on efficiently leveraging cloud computing and software defined capabilities (among many other next-gen tech solutions) to be more flexible, agile, and scalable to meet business needs quickly. There are also many opportunities being created within areas like machine learning and IoT that can skyrocket your company's ability to innovate. In order to achieve these things, a flexible and reliable IT infrastructure is a must. Deploying a multicloud strategy creates that reliability while also adding a sophisticated degree of versatility.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Model

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 07, 2017

Where is your company in deploying a cloud model? Are you utilizing public cloud, or is your cloud strategy a little more advanced that leverages a hybrid cloud model? Don’t let the name trip you up; the term “cloud” is an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it conceals. The generally accepted definition of cloud computing comes from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “Cloud Computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”

The 5-minute Virtualization and Cloud Glossary

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Dec 29, 2016

Virtualization is the foundation for all Cloud based services, offerings, and changes to business operations and procedures. There are three (3) major areas in the data center where Virtualization exists to enable automation, auditing, and Cloud services. Let’s get started!

Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud Computing, Explained

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 05, 2016

Cloud computing is quickly becoming the industry norm for IT professionals and is a style of working in which products, resources and services are made available over the Internet, rather than from in-house infrastructure.

The Right Mix for your Cloud Computing Strategy [Infographic]

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 10, 2015

When developing your cloud computing strategy, it’s important to understand what each solution offers, the use cases and the csot models. Creating the right mix of public and private cloud for your company can help you increase productivity and efficiency in the workplace. WEI recently conducted joint research with VMware to find out how to best use cloud technology to drive your company toward desired business outcomes.

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