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How Qumulo Shift For Amazon S3 Can Revolutionize Your Data Storage

By Jay Cardin |   Aug 31, 2021

How much data is your enterprise creating and what are you doing about it? For most companies, data is being created, and subsequently stored, at faster and faster rates. However, many enterprises lack the tools to properly utilize and take advantage of their data, especially those that are still struggling with just the data storage part of the equation.

How Observability with Dynatrace Can Improve Business Outcomes, Part 2

By Fred McHugh |   Jun 15, 2021

How much are utilizing the cloud to support your business initiatives? Cloud environments offer immense benefit, especially as hybrid workforces gain traction. However, they also create unique challenges that legacy software, hardware and strategies are ill-equipped to handle.

Why We’re Excited About the New Morpheus v5.0 Release

By Fred McHugh |   Oct 13, 2020

Morpheus Data recently unveiled the next version of its hybrid cloud management platform. While already recognized as a Leader in Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Management Platforms, this new release further cements its place on the list.

In addition to improving all the great day-2 functionality that comes built-in, Morpheus made improvements in some key areas of their hybrid cloud management platform. Improving the catalog view with personas is a big one. The ability to tailor a user’s view can really improve the experience. For example, you don’t want non-technical folks overwhelmed with too many options. This allows your team to customize the catalog to each user’s job.

IT Automation for Hybrid Cloud, Multi-cloud with VMware

By Fred McHugh |   Sep 01, 2020

As technology changes, so do priorities. For today’s enterprises, the most important pieces of the IT equation are speed, flexibility and agility. However, IT is often overwhelmed with lifecycle management and infrastructure delivery. To keep up with business demands and improve efficiency, IT teams need to make use of automation to accelerate operations.

Why your hybrid cloud needs application-centric orchestration

By Fred McHugh |   Aug 04, 2020

In an era of transformation, speed and agility of application infrastructure is key. Unfortunately, it can take IT weeks to deliver new application stacks when requested because of manual hand-offs across a fragmented set of ‘software-definable’ technologies on-premises. This inefficiency leads teams to bypass IT in favor of public cloud application services which raises cloud costs and opens security holes.

Flash-to-Flash-to-Cloud (F2F2C): What It Is and Why You Need It

By Jay Cardin |   Oct 15, 2019

In order for developers to keep up with the speed of business, new innovations in storage, backup, and disaster recovery are being rolled out at a breakneck pace. To stay competitive, enterprises must adopt these new methods and technologies for faster restores and greater opportunities to leverage the true value of data across their organization.

Get the Value of Consumption-based IT in your Multi-cloud Enterprise

By Shane Garrett |   Oct 08, 2019

Nearly every enterprise is in the process of expanding their use of cloud. This makes a lot of sense; the cloud enables IT teams to speed up the delivery of services while reducing operational costs. The process is far from easy, however. Cloud implementation has become complex and difficult for businesses to handle without seeking qualified advice outside their internal IT resources—and without the right expertise of cloud-native automation, companies risk losing the benefits that prompted their cloud investment in the first place.

How to Overcome Data Security Challenges of A Multi-Cloud Model

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 14, 2018

 Within the last few years, there has been a dramatic shift in how enterprises manage their data. Many are leaving the in-house servers behind as their only source of data management and using some mixture of cloud computing. [click to tweet] As it sounds, multi-cloud model uses multiple cloud computing and storage services within a single architecture.

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