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Don’t Delay Your Server Refresh Cycle

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jun 21, 2022

You would be living under a very, very large rock if you were unaware of the incredible post-pandemic evolution taking shape across the digital landscape. The effects that this evolution has had on industries across the globe are seismic. Organizations need to adapt to new technologies, platforms, and business models in order to keep up with digital trends and meet business goals. A key part of staying on top of these growing demands is to accelerate digital transformation with a complete server refresh. This upgrade will not only help your company be more competitive, but it will also help with improved IT infrastructure and faster performance. Let’s take a closer look at why you should refresh your servers.

How An Innovative Approach To Network Segmentation Improves Data Security

By Josh Cronin |   Jun 14, 2022

The rapid implementation of digital transformation across all industries makes network management and security more complex. This heightened complexity increases vulnerabilities, leading to a greater frequency of data breaches along with a higher average cost per breach. Just last year, businesses experienced the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years at $4.24 million, rising from $3.86 million in 2020. To stay protected, enterprises need to utilize efficient approaches such as network segmentation.

Meaningful Cybersecurity Requires ZTNA, Not VPN

By Michael Thweatt |   May 26, 2022

Our review of 2021 IT trends reported that Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) was not only a common feature for enterprise IT teams, but that it will be sticking around for the near future, too. Much of this is attributed to shifting remote work architectures, which have made traditional perimeter security architectures essentially outdated. As organizations move away from a full-on remote workforce and into more of a hybrid model, ZTNA features remain just as important.

How IT Staff Augmentation Helps Achieve Digital Transformation Objectives

By Jennifer Burl |   Mar 01, 2022

Judging by the vast increase in technology investments across the board, it is clear enterprises are not waiting to pursue their digital transformation goals. Whether it is AI, the hybrid cloud, or cybersecurity, these technology investments are being made by companies everywhere. It’s worth noting, however, that we are also seeing increased investment in IT staff augmentation, too.

The Future Of Enterprise Cybersecurity: Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

By Michael Thweatt |   Feb 15, 2022

As enterprises look into the future of a post-pandemic environment, many CIOs recognize the need for a better strategy that supports a remote and hybrid workforce. While many switched to a work-from-home model as a response to the pandemic, more than 50% of employees want to continue working from home permanently.

6 IT Predictions for 2022 and Beyond

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 27, 2022

A few weeks into January, there is still time to put on our fortune teller hat to make IT predictions for 2022. This is an opportunity to predict the trends, technologies, and challenges that enterprises will experience over the next 11 months. While we don’t claim to have any clairvoyant powers, we do have a good pulse on how the coming year will play out due to our involved client partnerships and our commitment to identifying and embracing new technology solutions that add value to our clients.

Discover 3 Ways Aruba ESP Drives Digital Transformation Initiatives

By Victor Fabian |   Jan 25, 2022

As enterprises push their digital transformation efforts into overdrive to support employees and make business decisions from anywhere, they open themselves up to a new world of data and security risks. To help manage this new influx of information and mitigate security breaches, enterprises need a solution that can analyze the massive amounts of unstructured data at the point where people, devices, and things connect to the digital world. This is where HPE Aruba Networking ESP shines. Keep reading to learn more about ESP and how it can help your enterprise on its journey to digital transformation and beyond.

4 Steps For A Cybersecurity Strategy That Protects Against Ransomware

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 18, 2022

Unfortunately, as technology evolves, it’s not just the enterprise that benefits from the latest and greatest tools – so do the criminals who use them to attack businesses. With enterprises pushing forward with digital-first initiatives, it’s a matter of when, not if, they will be faced with a cybersecurity threat. Because of this assumed risk, it is no longer enough to just have the right technology in place; it’s imperative for your enterprise to have a cybersecurity strategy to prevent, detect, and overcome a ransomware attack.

How to Posture Your Enterprise for Ransomware Preparedness

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 13, 2022

What is your enterprise’s cybersecurity process when it comes to ransomware preparedness? As a heavily relied upon technology leader, this is a critical question to ask yourself. Remember, there are two types of companies – those that have been hit with ransomware and those that eventually will be. According to numbers recently published by Cybersecurity Ventures, a ransomware attack occurs every 11 seconds. On average, each incident costs an astounding $700,000 in damages.

Three Security Technologies From 2020 Enterprises Still Need Today

By Josh Cronin |   Dec 28, 2022

In 2020, new IT Technologies emerged to drive change in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As many enterprises shifted to a remote workforce, they were compelled to adapt to a new IT environment while still ensuring the security of their organization. As a result, three security technologies - SASE, ZTNA, and XDR - rose to the top in this new era of off-campus work.

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