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Improve your Data Strategy: 3 Ways to Capitalize on Data

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 18, 2021

For today’s enterprises, data is the lifeblood of the business. However, despite what many CIO’s and enterprise leaders may think, many businesses lack a comprehensive data strategy that allows them to fully capitalize on their data, let alone carry them into the future.

8 Reasons Qumulo Should Be Part Of Your Cloud Strategy, Part 2

By Jay Cardin |   Mar 11, 2021

One of the greatest challenges faced by today’s enterprises is managing their ever-increasing volumes of data. Over time, the volume, location and importance of data have all evolved, and legacy solutions can no longer keep up.

8 Reasons Qumulo Should Be Part Of Your Cloud Strategy, Part 1

By Jay Cardin |   Mar 09, 2021

When it comes to challenges faced by today’s IT organizations, there are few as universal as data management. In the last two decades, the volume of data that enterprises are expected to utilize, secure, and manage has increased exponentially. The location of that data has also changed, with much of it moving to the cloud or hybrid environments.

3 Proven Business and Operational Benefits of Nutanix

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 02, 2021

Over the last handful of years, the adoption of private and public cloud solutions has revolutionized enterprise IT and offered a level of operational agility that was previously unheard of.

Why We’re Excited About the New Morpheus v5.0 Release

By Fred McHugh |   Oct 13, 2020

Morpheus Data recently unveiled the next version of its hybrid cloud management platform. While already recognized as a Leader in Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Management Platforms, this new release further cements its place on the list.

In addition to improving all the great day-2 functionality that comes built-in, Morpheus made improvements in some key areas of their hybrid cloud management platform. Improving the catalog view with personas is a big one. The ability to tailor a user’s view can really improve the experience. For example, you don’t want non-technical folks overwhelmed with too many options. This allows your team to customize the catalog to each user’s job.

Why your hybrid cloud needs application-centric orchestration

By Fred McHugh |   Aug 04, 2020

In an era of transformation, speed and agility of application infrastructure is key. Unfortunately, it can take IT weeks to deliver new application stacks when requested because of manual hand-offs across a fragmented set of ‘software-definable’ technologies on-premises. This inefficiency leads teams to bypass IT in favor of public cloud application services which raises cloud costs and opens security holes.

Industry Info to Know – 07.17.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 17, 2020

The summertime is in full swing, but we're not seeing a summertime slump at WEI. Our customers are locked-in, focused on what's ahead and how to get there in a cost-effective way. Our customers understand the technologies they adopt today will impact the future of their business, and will better prepare them for whatever comes next. Whether it's revisiting remote workforce strategies that are looking to become more permanent than once thought, modernizing backup infrastructure, or doubling down on enterprise security. The major commonality we're seeing? IT leaders are accelerating digital transformation projects because business needs have drastically changed and require modern solutions, right now.

Industry Info to Know – 07.10.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 10, 2020

If you're new to our Industry Info to Know weekly blog—welcome! Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

Industry Info to Know – 06.26.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 26, 2020

We're all in IT together.

Security is still top of mind for executives as the nation (and world) continues to navigate uncertainties brought upon us all by the pandemic. More specifically cloud security and security at the edge are where CIOs are prioritize efforts, and spend according to several studies that are referenced in the articles below. Leading vendors of enterprise IT solutions regonized this emerging trend early-on and have rolled out product improvements or new solutions all-together to help companies more effectively secure their enterprise endpoints as their employees work from anywhere.

Industry Info to Know – 06.12.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 12, 2020

We're all in IT together.

People nationwide are starting to return to work with some version of familiar normalcy emerging as states open up their economies. Work as we know it has forever changed, though, and some companies are proving to be well equipped for the future while others are still struggling with how to adapt and effectively plan for what's next. Flexible, scalable systems proved to be a saving grace for business continuity, but what else is needed should a mandatory quarantine happen again? While there is a second wave of COVID-19 predicted, it is more critical than ever for executives and IT leaders to reflect on how their business responded—what worked and what didn't—and develop long-term strategies to get ahead of potential supply chain delays and hardware scarcity scenarios.

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