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4 Steps for Success with Cloud-Native Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Apr 30, 2019

Application owners are facing a critical challenge – in order to meet the demands of innovation-hungry customers, IT leaders must quickly evaluate whether to re-architect their applications for the cloud, or develop new applications entirely.

The Benefits of Digital Transformation are Realized with Cloud

By Fred McHugh |   Jan 15, 2019

Digital transformation is a transformation with no perceived endpoint, but a recurrent digital evolutionary process. It is a race, a race that is both a sprint and a marathon at the same time. It is a race with no assigned course or track, nor a checkered flag to pronounce the winner. Winning the race simply entails the ability to use knowledge, innovation, and IT agility to turn ideas into value and do it better and faster than any of your competitors.

Ultimate 10-Point Checklist for your Multicloud Storage Strategy

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 27, 2018

Last week, we looked at the top 7 multicloud success tips. Some of the tips discussed included taking advantage of visibility, optimizing predictive analytics capabilities, and preparing for the data center of today and tomorrow.

What’s Your Multicloud Strategy?

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 06, 2018

Have you found an answer to the big question circling across the IT world—How can we create a cloud-like delivery model for our users? The answer is within “digital transformation,” which focuses on efficiently leveraging cloud computing and software defined capabilities (among many other next-gen tech solutions) to be more flexible, agile, and scalable to meet business needs quickly. There are also many opportunities being created within areas like machine learning and IoT that can skyrocket your company's ability to innovate. In order to achieve these things, a flexible and reliable IT infrastructure is a must. Deploying a multicloud strategy creates that reliability while also adding a sophisticated degree of versatility.

The Ultimate Checklist for Preparing for Hybrid Cloud

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 11, 2018

As we discussed in our white paper, “Augmenting and Enhancing Your Existing Network with a Hybrid Cloud,” there are many advantages of a hybrid cloud model such as greater levels of redundancy and elasticity. To acquire the advantages that a hybrid cloud offers requires a lot of planning and preparation. We have compiled a comprehensive checklist to aid you in the preparation of your deployment.

3 Reasons Why You Need To Choose Fortinet for SD-WAN Needs

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 28, 2018

With the rise of digital transformation in today’s modern workplace, traditional Wide Area Network solutions are unable to keep up with enterprise demands. A growing number of organizations are moving their data and applications to a cloud environment, which means they are increasing their bandwidth use - resulting in network congestion and rising costs, as well as growing security concerns. It is for these reasons SD-WAN (software defined wide area network) is a compelling and attainable alternative; however, most SD-WAN solutions are not as secure as enterprises need them to be, with add-on security offerings that pose a risk by creating a fragmented solution.

8 Questions to Ask About Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

By Jay Cardin |   Aug 21, 2018

Many organizations are intrigued by the concept of Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). The biggest lure? You may no longer have to pay capital costs to set up and staff a secondary data center in order to recover systems after a disaster. In the days before cloud, having dual data center sites was one of the few ways to ensure rapid recovery of systems after a disaster. However, due to its cost, it was an option typically reserved for large companies or those in highly regulated fields. Disaster Recovery as a Service now makes secondary storage available to many small-to-midrange organizations, and what’s more, DRaaS providers offer many different variations on the theme of cloud-based recovery. [click to tweet] 

Introducing Cisco Secure Agile Exchange (SAE)

By Josh Cronin |   Aug 09, 2018

As companies grow and cloud models change and develop, whether you have AWS or Azure, most people aren't finding that they use one single cloud provider and stick with them. They use clouds from multiple providers, creating a hybrid cloud environment with multiple data centers. When you mix public clouds into this strategy, whether it be AWS, Azure, or Google, it is important to realize that every time a cloud connection is made there is usually connectivity back to your sites as well. You have that increased traffic flow and you have to consider how you're connecting, managing, and securing it.

Extending vSphere to the Public cloud

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Aug 02, 2018

VMware’s vSphere, the composition of vCenter and its ESXi hosts used to run workloads and containers, has experienced dominance in the IT landscape. There has been talk for years about extending a vSphere environment into the world of public cloud and not being required to run all of this separately through other means. There are many ways to achieve a cloud strategy, and fortunately, VMware accomplishes all of this with vSphere. This post focuses on one of the ways to achieve this type of public cloud strategy with VMware Cloud, which offers VMware on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is a full SDDC (Software Defined Data Center) offering covering compute, storage, and networking capabilities.

10 Tips to Prepare Your Enterprise for Digital Transformation

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 06, 2018

What exactly is digital transformation and how can an enterprise benefit from it? That is a top question among executives, and for good reason. According to a 2017 IDG Role & Influence of the Technology Decision-Maker Study, 72 percent of IT Decision Makers reported their organization is still exploring a digital first approach.

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