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Backup and Recovery: Disaster Plan Challenges & Tips

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 07, 2017

The pace of technological change and innovation continues to accelerate in today’s IT organizations. This includes the expansion of advanced virtualization and the emergence of new cloud service delivery models. Yet, despite such progress, the areas of backup and recovery remain underdeveloped at many organizations. Many business leaders struggle to contain rising backup costs, and have little faith in their current procedures’ ability to restore key systems and crucial data, especially in the wake of a real-time crisis or service disruption. [click to tweet]

Backup and Recovery: How to Select a Cloud Service Provider

By Jay Cardin |   Jan 31, 2017

Many organizations are investigating a “Cloud First” approach with their applications; to save on costs of keeping physical hardware, they want to offload the majority of their IT infrastructures to one or more external providers. While that prospect may fully come to fruition at some time in the future, applications and cloud technologies still have much to develop and change before most organizations will be ready for such a wholesale move.

5 Areas to Master for Your Hybrid Cloud

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Jan 26, 2017

If you’re serious about making a successful move to hybrid cloud, now’s the time to make progress in each of these five areas.

Round-up of WEI’s 2016 Awards, Achievements and Accolades

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 24, 2017

We are always happy to share about our wins with our clients, customers and partners, especially since we could not achieve these recognitions without their support and valued business. Read on for a look at what the WEI team has accomplished in 2016.

Hardware-based Security: Battle Common Security Risks

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 19, 2017

Regardless of organizational size or industry, every company faces significant data and network security concerns today. Those concerns increase substantially for organizations that deal with protected or sensitive information in any way, including health, financial, or even basic customer data. The past decade has seen a growing number of both internal and external data security breaches in industries as diverse as healthcare, retail, entertainment, banking, and military contracting, and threats are unlikely to subside anytime soon. Organizations who act now to counter the threats of the future are the ones who have the best chance at protecting customers, employees, and brand reputations.

Enterprise Security in 2017: Comparing 2016 Threats to Now

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 17, 2017

If you have had the chance to read any of the latest analyst predictions for 2017, then you will have noticed that security remains at the top of the list. So what will you do differently this year than in year's past? As you review your security strategies and revisit best practices this New Year, it’s important to reflect upon the past. We examined the top security threats last year in our white paper, Effectively Managing Cyber Security: Top 5 Enterprise Threats. Now read on to learn about the top five enterprise security threats to the confidential and proprietary information on your network -- that you must consider for this year.

The Critical Role of Hardware-based Security Solutions

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 12, 2017

How are your security protocols working? While most businesses are focusing on the type of software being used to keep cybercriminals out of the servers, Intel and its partners are working to change the face of security and working together to achieve better results.

3 Real Cases of Whaling as an Enterprise Security Threat

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 10, 2017

There’s a new technology threat your organization should be cautious of in 2017 – it’s called whaling. Just like the practice of hunting a whale, cyber criminals use this technique to reel in a big catch by targeting top decision-making executives at enterprise organizations—and it works. If that doesn’t sound scary enough, many companies have experienced this threat in a very real way. Read on for a look into some high-profile, real-life whaling cases and their consequences.

The Value of Automated Storage Tiering with Software Defined Storage

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 05, 2017

Software defined storage (SDS) has the potential to revolutionize your business processes and drive extraordinary value. However, storage isn’t just measured by capacity. In our previous blog post, we laid out the example of thinking of your organization’s storage infrastructure like a virtual city: there are specific places designated for each type of data, from highly-utilized information to archives. Because of this, there is a true need for segmenting your resources; today, SDS is finally allocating true Automated Storage Tiering (AST) for enterprises. AST has created a natural and timely partnership with flash storage to offer the speed and performance that personal computing devices have enjoyed for years and many organizations are now considering all-flash based arrays to meet the demands of server virtualization.

Advice for Managing Your Data with Software Defined Storage

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 03, 2017

There are a couple of reasons why organizations are slow to adopt software defined storage (SDS) when compared to its cousin, software defined networking (SDN).  This is likely due to the concept of utilizing commoditized hardware. After all, if a switch goes down, it’s just a switch. If a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) goes beyond the point of degradation, it’s your own valuable data, which is why enterprises have been willing to pay such absorbent costs on proprietary disk array devices that boast enormous levels of redundancy. In addition, some of the terminology frequently used to describe various aspects of SDS can be confusing.

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