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Cisco ACI Secures Your Enterprise through Microsegmentation

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 24, 2016

Writer's note: Every Thursday in November and December, this blog will highlight the SDN solution, Cisco ACI. As market acceptance and adoption increases for SDN, IT professionals can count on WEI to fairly evaluate the market leading SDN solutions available today.

There’s a lot of talk about SDN solutions today such as Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure. In fact, Cisco ACI is the industry’s most comprehensive software defined networking (SDN) architecture to date. By integrating ACI into IT operations, IT now has the ability to align IT services with business objectives and policy requirements. [click to tweet] Achieving this organizational transformation can be a game changer for most any organization, allowing them to streamline their services at large and gain greater efficiencies and profit margins. Instead of serving its traditional role as a cost bucket, IT can become a leader, introducing and initiating value added projects that recognizably add to the profitability and success of the business.

Top Two Enterprise Virtual Server Appliance (VSA) Solutions

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 22, 2016

In today’s digital world, every facet of an organization must become elastic and more flexible, especially the IT department. The Virtual Server Appliance (VSA) can be one of the most valuable tools in your technology arsenal. No matter how much money you throw at hardware, it will never be as elastic as software. Instead, your business can employ VSA, where the storage controller runs in a single virtual machine, which manages the storage directly attached to its host. A VSA is not an appliance, rather, it’s software. Read on for a look into this solution.

Why Cisco ACI is the Catalyst for IT Transformation

By Josh Cronin |   Nov 17, 2016

Writer's note: Every Thursday in November and December, this blog will highlight the SDN solution, Cisco ACI. As market acceptance and adoption increases for SDN, IT professionals can count on WEI to fairly evaluate the market leading SDN solutions available today.

The digital transformation of our economy today has paved the way for multiple disruptors that are altering entire industries and markets. The induction of disruptive organizations such as Uber and Airbnb are introducing new paradigms that are threatening traditional business models and longtime industry leaders. There is one thing in common with disruptors such as these. They leverage assets. Whether it be a car or an extra bedroom, these two mentioned disruptors harvest additional value from these assets which in turn adds revenue streams. Suddenly a car is no longer an expense—it becomes a profit generating machine.

How vSAN Can Complement Your Storage Infrastructure

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 15, 2016

Searching for the best way to store your organization’s precious data and informational assets? Your storage infrastructure is incredibly important; in this article we discuss ways software defined storage (SDS) and the Virtual Storage Area Network (vSAN) can complement your strategy. The idea of separating your enterprise’s IT control plane from the data plane and running services over commodity hardware rather than custom proprietary hardware is not new; in fact, it can be quite beneficial.

Why SDN Matters for the Digital Workplace Transformation

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 10, 2016

Writer's note: Every Thursday in November and December, this blog will highlight the SDN solution, Cisco ACI. As market acceptance and adoption increases for SDN, IT professionals can count on WEI to fairly evaluate the market leading SDN solutions available today.

Software Defined Networking, SDN, is a true buzzword in IT circles today. It is promoted as the panacea for the great challenges that face IT today. This technology can lead organizations into the digital transform ation that is occurring on a global scale and that is disrupting entire industries and organizations of all sizes. The premise of SDN is simple, transform the rigid data center into a fluid agile software defined framework that will give organizations the agility and flexibility to instantly react to conditions, and implement automated deployments based on real-time resource demand.

An Enterprise Look at Hyperconverged Infrastructure

By Josh Cronin |   Nov 08, 2016

There is always a lot of buzz around the ‘next’ big IT infrastructure technology, but how much have you heard about hyperconverged infrastructure? It can be hard to sift through the articles and expert opinions for what is the next best solution for your IT environment, and we have seen this through the years, but hyperconverged is worth the look.

5 Enterprise Benefits of VMware’s vRealize Suite

By Fred McHugh |   Nov 03, 2016

Have you heard about our technology partner VMware’s vRealize Suite for cloud and data center management? It’s the solution that enables hybrid cloud management and can help enterprises keep up with the growing IT demands of today’s digital business. One of the most valuable tools within the vRealize Suite is Automation, which is so powerful that VMware allows you to purchase it as its own standalone application. [click to tweet] However you choose to use it, it offers the enterprise five fantastic benefits.

WEI Honored as the NMSDC Supplier of the Year!

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 01, 2016

As a minority-owned business in Salem, NH, it has been a core tenet of our culture to embrace diversity in the workplace and support diversity in our community. Last week, at the National Minority Supplier Development Council Annual conference (NMSDC), WEI received the National Supplier of the Year award in the class IV category!

This highly coveted award helps solidify our position among an elite group of minority-owned businesses who are making a substantial effort in promoting the success that can be achieved when working with diverse suppliers.

Innovative Technology Solutions Provider: WEI Video Tour

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 18, 2016

Ever wondered how WEI maintains its competitive advantage as one of the most innovative technology solutions providers? Above and beyond our great, hardworking employees, we also have several state-of-the-art labs that help us determine the right solution for each client. Read on for an overview of our technology facility.

Overview of VMware’s vRealize Suite

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Oct 11, 2016

Adoption of hybrid cloud is on the rise. In looking at the results of the 2016 State of the Cloud Survey, there is strong growth in hybrid cloud adoption as public cloud users added private cloud resource pools. 77 percent of respondents are now adopting private cloud up from 63 percent last year. As a result, use of hybrid cloud environments has grown to 71 percent (Cloud Computing Trends: 2016 State of the Cloud Survey). Sure, the research speaks for itself, but given our experience building private clouds and hybrid cloud environments for our customers, we can certainly vouch for the validity of those stats. However, seeing the benefits of hybrid cloud come to fruition relies on the tool your company will use to manage it.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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