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Industry Info to Know – 06.12.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 12, 2020

We're all in IT together.

People nationwide are starting to return to work with some version of familiar normalcy emerging as states open up their economies. Work as we know it has forever changed, though, and some companies are proving to be well equipped for the future while others are still struggling with how to adapt and effectively plan for what's next. Flexible, scalable systems proved to be a saving grace for business continuity, but what else is needed should a mandatory quarantine happen again? While there is a second wave of COVID-19 predicted, it is more critical than ever for executives and IT leaders to reflect on how their business responded—what worked and what didn't—and develop long-term strategies to get ahead of potential supply chain delays and hardware scarcity scenarios.

Industry Info to Know – 06.05.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 05, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

Industry Info to Know – 05.29.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   May 29, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

Speed Your IT Transformation with Intelligent Automation

By Mark Hargreaves |   May 28, 2020

In today’s world, change and innovation are happening at unprecedented rates. To keep up with the rapid shift to a digital economy, enterprises are undergoing digital transformations internally, which is also driving IT transformation.

Industry Info to Know – 05.22.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   May 22, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

Times they are a-changing! The dust may be settling a bit as companies are adjusting to a distributed enterprise, which takes on a whole new meaning from what we knew three months prior. IT leaders are reflecting on the quick decisions that were made and are starting to develop strategies beyond a temporary pivot. Business leaders had their business continuity strategies tested and are finding out just how resilient their business is. Business is moving, and sure it looks a little different than how it did a short time ago, but IT resiliency is now the topic of discussion.

Given the changes impacting security, connectivity, scaling virtual infrastructure, supporting a remote workforce, shifting to the cloud, navigating supply chain constraints (the list goes on), IT leaders are looking to the future for next gen technologies with steadfast requirements of flexibility, agility, efficiency, and as you will see in this week's theme of the blog post—resiliency.

Industry Info to Know – 05.15.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   May 15, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

Industry Info to Know – 05.08.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   May 08, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

4 Steps for Success with Cloud-Native Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Apr 30, 2019

Application owners are facing a critical challenge – in order to meet the demands of innovation-hungry customers, IT leaders must quickly evaluate whether to re-architect their applications for the cloud, or develop new applications entirely.

The Benefits of Digital Transformation are Realized with Cloud

By Fred McHugh |   Jan 15, 2019

Digital transformation is a transformation with no perceived endpoint, but a recurrent digital evolutionary process. It is a race, a race that is both a sprint and a marathon at the same time. It is a race with no assigned course or track, nor a checkered flag to pronounce the winner. Winning the race simply entails the ability to use knowledge, innovation, and IT agility to turn ideas into value and do it better and faster than any of your competitors.

Are you ready for IT-as-a-Service? 5 Benefits of ITaaS.

By Shane Garrett |   Dec 25, 2018

Information Technology as a Service (ITaaS) represents a change in paradigm when it comes to managing IT. When you treat IT as a service provider, you can ensure that your enterprise has exactly the right amount of hardware, software and support to fit the unique and changing needs of your business. You'll find that you are more agile and able to deal with whatever comes up. And, you'll find that, under an ITaaS model, you'll save time and money, dramatically improving your bottom line.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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