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Unlock Meaningful Digital Transformation: 5 Key Factors Of Digital Innovation

By David Fafel |   Jan 24, 2023

Digital transformation has become an essential element of any successful business, requiring creative solutions to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. To do this, there must be sustainable digital innovation, as it enables companies to create new products and services, streamlines core operations for efficiency gains, and strengthens customer relationships through improved engagement strategies — all while leveraging data insights and empowering employees.

How Unified Storage Addresses Ransomware Threats, Enables Recovery

By Patrick Gamble |   Dec 13, 2022

The quantity and severity of ransomware attacks are expected to rise once again in 2023, and businesses need to take steps to protect themselves from these costly and disruptive incidents. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, “Ransomware will cost its victims around $265 billion (USD) annually by 2031.” These attacks have a devastating impact on enterprises, causing critical data loss and downtime. In addition, businesses may also be liable for the cost of the ransomware attack itself.

Because organizations generate a large amount of data every day and have increasingly large workloads moving between hybrid and multi-cloud environments, unified storage has become important for ransomware protection. In this post, we cover what unified storage is and how it addresses ransomware.

Data Protection: Dell PowerProtect Cyber Recovery Solution

By Mark Hargreaves |   Sep 06, 2022

Data drives today’s world. The push toward digital transformation at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought an increase in the volume and value of data across interconnected networks. Moving data digitally allowed enterprises to adapt to a more remote environment, but it has also made data more available to criminals looking to exploit weak points within the architecture. To further illustrate this fact:

Enhance Enterprise Data Security And Protection With Modern Solutions

By Mark Hargreaves |   Aug 09, 2022

Ensuring a strong defense against security breaches is an essential part of any modern business. Being responsible for important data like financial and medical records or other private information means you simply cannot ignore proper security protocols. Enterprise data security and protection is a crucial part of any company’s IT structure. Fortunately, there are simple yet powerful data storage solutions that guarantee data security and protection along with solid recoverability options.

Why Data Security Should Be At The Forefront Of Your Digital Transformation

By Mark Hargreaves |   May 31, 2022

Business information has always been an important commodity. Due to this, it’s necessary for data security to be a top priority in every enterprise. The immense value and volume of data continues to increase as companies expand with digital transformation and extend their geographical footprint. Protecting information must be at the top of the list when organizations consider what they should focus on for enterprise growth. If a breach occurs, businesses may lose more than just time and money – they can also lose their customers’ trust. Fortunately, there are solutions to help organizations safeguard sensitive data, mitigate cyberattacks, and manage infrastructure demands.

Remember, Improved Digital Agility Requires Data Security Management, Too

By Shane Garrett |   Apr 19, 2022

We’ve unpacked the term “Digital Transformation” for some time now, and the urgency for meaningful digitalization only continues to increase from enterprise to enterprise. But as an IT leader, do you know which areas of transformation are worth investing over others? It can be a tough call to make if your IT personnel are already struggling to take on additional projects and workflows or if your budget isn’t as forgiving as it once was.

What’s Next for Digital Transformation? Enterprise IT Leaders Share Their Technology Investment Plans

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 07, 2022

In 2018, our IT trends survey found slightly over half (53%) of companies had taken some type of action to support digital transformation (e.g., process, operational and/or technology changes). In 2021, we found 70% of companies had embarked on a digital transformation journey.

Five Tactical Steps to Secure Your Hybrid Workforce Environment

By Josh Cronin |   Mar 24, 2022

At the beginning of the pandemic, many enterprises anticipated only needing remote teams for a few weeks to maybe a couple of months. Now, two years later, it’s clear that remote and hybrid workforces are here to stay. Enterprises and employees have seen the benefits of this environment, but in order to continue supporting this model, IT teams need to consider long-term solutions to enterprise cybersecurity initiatives.

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