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How To Overcome Data Protection Challenges For Remote Workforces

By Mark Hargreaves |   Dec 22, 2020

For IT, 2021 will be all about polishing and refining the strategies rapidly put in place to facilitate the employee exodus from the campus to the home. Remote workforces, once the exception, have become the new status quo. As the dust settles, many enterprises may find this temporary solution is now a permanent expectation.  

The Power Of Kubernetes With VMware Tanzu On Dell EMC Vxrail

By Fred McHugh |   Dec 01, 2020

Through the use and development of applications, enterprises are able to keep up with modern business demands and the rapid changes that underscore our digital world.

Why You Should Take A Closer Look at Dell For Your SDDC

By David Fafel |   Aug 18, 2020

Enterprises in every industry are undergoing digital transformations. As part of that, many are upgrading to modern cloud architectures, which can come with a jump in complexity that IT teams may be unprepared for.

Industry Info to Know – 06.26.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 26, 2020

We're all in IT together.

Security is still top of mind for executives as the nation (and world) continues to navigate uncertainties brought upon us all by the pandemic. More specifically cloud security and security at the edge are where CIOs are prioritize efforts, and spend according to several studies that are referenced in the articles below. Leading vendors of enterprise IT solutions regonized this emerging trend early-on and have rolled out product improvements or new solutions all-together to help companies more effectively secure their enterprise endpoints as their employees work from anywhere.

Boost Your Operational Efficiency with Dell EMC Flash Storage

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jun 23, 2020

Enterprises in the midst of digital transformations all eventually come upon the same situation: What to do about storage? For most, the answer is flash storage.

Industry Info to Know – 06.05.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 05, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

Speed Your IT Transformation with Intelligent Automation

By Mark Hargreaves |   May 28, 2020

In today’s world, change and innovation are happening at unprecedented rates. To keep up with the rapid shift to a digital economy, enterprises are undergoing digital transformations internally, which is also driving IT transformation.

Industry Info to Know – 05.01.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   May 01, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

We made it to May! There have been a lot of lessons learned over the past 45 days and we're helping our clients move beyond the initial pivot of urgency response to strategic planning. We are closely monitoring trends from the industry and keeping an eye on supply chain updates to ensure our customers can move their business critical projects forward. If you are facing an unforeseen challenge or want to review a few competing solutions, let's start a conversation. You can also sign up for this weekly blog update to help you stay connected to what is going on in the industry and for a roundup of the most helpful articles from WEI's enterprise IT tech partners.

Industry Info to Know – 04.24.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 24, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

As a team of trusted advisors to your company, we put a lot of effort into perfecting our practice. We are continuously learning, testing, and expanding our expertise across all facets of the enterprise IT landscape. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape.

5 Reasons Why Your Enterprise Network Needs Edge Computing

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 28, 2020

Picture the following. You are lying in the intensive care unit of an area hospital having just gone through the ordeal of major open-heart surgery. The IC medical staff is depending on medical IoT devices to monitor you. Question, do you feel better having your collected data make the journey across the Internet for analysis at a distant cloud location, or analyzed in near instant fashion at the hospital itself where the medical staff is? 

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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