6 Tips to guide a Hybrid Cloud Deployment
Recently, we shared four items to consider when preparing your data center to move to the hybrid cloud. Read on to learn about additional tips for a hybrid cloud deployment.
Welcome to our blog, the WEI Tech Exchange, where our subject matter experts exchange ideas, best practices, and thoughts on the latest data center and enterprise IT technologies and trends.
By Greg LaBrie | Mar 21, 2017
Recently, we shared four items to consider when preparing your data center to move to the hybrid cloud. Read on to learn about additional tips for a hybrid cloud deployment.
By Greg LaBrie | Feb 28, 2017
The growth rate of the hybrid cloud seems to be living up to its hype. In fact, Forrester Research recently updated their growth prediction of the cloud market by 20 percent above their initial forecast three years ago. Their current estimate is an investment of $191 billion by 2020. As another example of this growth, as of January 2015, Microsoft Azure was storing more than 10 trillion objects, an increase of 6 trillion objects since July 2012.
By Greg LaBrie | Feb 21, 2017
The hybrid cloud is an excellent tool for enterprise, but like any new technology, there are some definite challenges when navigating unfamiliar waters as well as a few potential snags in the road that can delay, hinder or even potentially terminate your hybrid cloud implementation. Below are some of the potential missteps that you can avoid if you properly plot your transition in advance.
By Greg LaBrie | Feb 14, 2017
Has your organization identified an initiative to move to the hybrid cloud? Your data center likely isn’t ready to just be picked up and relocated; you’ll need to complete specific preparations before making the switch. Here are several items to check off your list before fully integrating hybrid cloud.
By Greg LaBrie | Feb 07, 2017
The pace of technological change and innovation continues to accelerate in today’s IT organizations. This includes the expansion of advanced virtualization and the emergence of new cloud service delivery models. Yet, despite such progress, the areas of backup and recovery remain underdeveloped at many organizations. Many business leaders struggle to contain rising backup costs, and have little faith in their current procedures’ ability to restore key systems and crucial data, especially in the wake of a real-time crisis or service disruption. [click to tweet]
By Mark Gabryjelski | Jan 26, 2017
If you’re serious about making a successful move to hybrid cloud, now’s the time to make progress in each of these five areas.
By Fred McHugh | Nov 03, 2016
Have you heard about our technology partner VMware’s vRealize Suite for cloud and data center management? It’s the solution that enables hybrid cloud management and can help enterprises keep up with the growing IT demands of today’s digital business. One of the most valuable tools within the vRealize Suite is Automation, which is so powerful that VMware allows you to purchase it as its own standalone application. [click to tweet] However you choose to use it, it offers the enterprise five fantastic benefits.
By Shane Garrett | May 31, 2016
Since the cloud is by nature, “up in the clouds,” it can be harder for enterprises to know if they are complying with industry and governmental regulations than if they were employing on premise hardware and infrastructure.
By Greg LaBrie | Oct 20, 2015
With the widespread use of cloud computing, many IT professionals are wondering how much to move to a public cloud. By steering away from a solely CAPEX model to a more balanced hybrid OPEX model, companies can save money and take advantage of fledging new technologies.
By Greg LaBrie | Oct 13, 2015
The Internet of Things (IoT) may have been a far-fetched dream in the past, but it is quickly becoming revolutionary and lucrative in the present. Businesses, citizens and even governments are adopting IoT into their lifestyles by connecting devices and products together and controlling them remotely. The Internet of Things has almost limitless applications, from every aspect of business to healthcare, controlling the home environment and even growing plants.
WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.
At WEI, we’re passionate about solving your technology problems and helping you drive your desired business outcomes.