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Critical Scenarios to Consider for your Backup Strategy

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 24, 2020

WEI often works with clients in both areas of backup and disaster recovery at the same time. We find it’s often beneficial for them to be part of a single strategy since the function of backup and DR relates so closely together (recovering from some sort of event). They do have slightly different goals, however. With backup, you might be looking at a smaller data loss, such as accidental deletion or corruption of files.

Wendy Pfeiffer, CIO of Nutanix & Champion Of Women In Tech

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 25, 2019

Wendy Pfeiffer routinely lands on lists of “The Most Powerful Women in Tech,” and is currently the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Nutanix, where she leads the global Information Technology team and functions that support the company’s business operations and employees.

How to Pay for a Cloud-like, Flexible Data Center Infrastructure

By Shane Garrett |   Jun 11, 2019

As enterprises continue evolving to meet the new challenges and opportunities of the digital era, IT leaders are faced with a daunting task: implement a flexible data center infrastructure that can support this new and ever-changing generation of technology solutions.

Available Hybrid Cloud Solutions and Use Cases

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 13, 2017

Are you ready to take advantage of hybrid cloud benefits? As we’ve mentioned before, this unique architecture can provide these four benefits of hybrid cloud for your organization:

Backup and Recovery: Disaster Plan Challenges & Tips

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 07, 2017

The pace of technological change and innovation continues to accelerate in today’s IT organizations. This includes the expansion of advanced virtualization and the emergence of new cloud service delivery models. Yet, despite such progress, the areas of backup and recovery remain underdeveloped at many organizations. Many business leaders struggle to contain rising backup costs, and have little faith in their current procedures’ ability to restore key systems and crucial data, especially in the wake of a real-time crisis or service disruption. [click to tweet]

Backup and Recovery: How to Select a Cloud Service Provider

By Jay Cardin |   Jan 31, 2017

Many organizations are investigating a “Cloud First” approach with their applications; to save on costs of keeping physical hardware, they want to offload the majority of their IT infrastructures to one or more external providers. While that prospect may fully come to fruition at some time in the future, applications and cloud technologies still have much to develop and change before most organizations will be ready for such a wholesale move.

How to “Test Drive” Cloud Services

By Michael Thweatt |   Jul 19, 2016

If your organization is considering a move to cloud computing, but you are worried about signing up for the proper services for your company, consider test driving the offerings before you make the switch. A well-researched and properly planned cloud deployment is the best strategy for companies seeking to take advantage of this new technology to take, but IT pros may be concerned about potential speed bumps and setbacks.

3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Cloud Service Provider

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 29, 2016

Cloud service providers come in all shapes and sizes, and have a wide variety of offerings that your business can choose from. Picking a cloud service provider is not something that should be taken lightly, as they will have access to your company’s sensitive information and resources. Before you sign a cloud agreement, be sure to ask these three questions.

Comparing Cloud Services: Veeam Availability vs. Legacy Backup

By Jay Cardin |   Nov 24, 2015


It’s important to address common challenges your business may face when transitioning to a model where you’re “always on” as opposed to being available to customers only during office hours. When comparing cloud services, you’ll want to find a model that offers you flexibility and consistency.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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