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David Fafel

David Fafel, Chief Architect, leads WEI’s long-term technology vision, and is responsible for spearheading development of complex solutions, architecture, as well as application development. David engages with our clients to drive technology design across datacenter environments, cloud architecture and IT strategy. David holds several technical certifications from HP, Cisco, IBM and other leading technology innovators.
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Posts by David Fafel

Composable Infrastructure: 10 Reasons Why You Need It [Part 2]

By David Fafel |   Apr 06, 2017

Business can no longer afford for IT to be a cost center. In the ever-transforming economy of today, ideas are the new currency of business and IT is the ATM that will deliver them. It is not just about ideas though, it is about how fast you can bring those ideas into the market where they can bring value to customers and profits to business. Resources and customers gravitate to new ideas that bring value. In order for IT to take the lead in this new world, it must become faster and more agile. In order to do this, it must break the chains of the traditional data center that weighs it down and instead implement a new means of delivering and managing technology. That new system is Composable Infrastructure. It will allow IT to break free from the ordinary and accelerate the extraordinary, ensuring its new role as a value creation partner for the enterprise.

Composable Infrastructure: 10 Reasons Why You Need It [Part 1]

By David Fafel |   Apr 04, 2017

In today’s hyper competitive global economy, companies are constantly racing to convert ideas into value faster than their competition. As a result, IT is being asked to transform the data center infrastructure into a more fluid, flexible fabric that can perpetually evolve and adapt to new demands and opportunities. IT is expected to create and deliver new applications and services for mobile, social, and cloud technologies—and do so with shorter development cycles. On top of that, IT must still manage the traditional applications, data silos, and hardware while lowering the costs to do so. To say that today’s IT department has a full plate of responsibility is an understatement. The bar has indeed been set high today.

Composable Infrastructure Benefits Begin with Automation

By David Fafel |   Mar 24, 2017

Automation is a hot topic today. We read about autonomous cars and trucks that drive themselves over long distances, eliminating the consequences of human error and maximizing productivity as drivers can now focus on tasks that add far more value to their lives. We read about automated cooking robots that prepare the perfect burger or cappuccino every time for a steady stream of customers. Many of today’s network managers would appreciate more automation when it comes to managing their network. In fact:

Facing Reality—Your Data Center Infrastructure Must Evolve

By David Fafel |   Mar 14, 2017

Douglas McArthur once said, “There is no security in this world, only opportunity.” That statement is more profound for the business climate of today than perhaps any time in history. There is no longer any security for a company regardless of its size, history or market share. There is also limitless opportunity for new ideas and innovation that can bring recognized value to customers. Ideas are the new substantive matter that has the potential to create or destroy entire industries. A new idea can yield unbridled success to its originator, and irrelevancy to its competitors. Welcome to the Idea Economy, a new age that Meg Whitman, CEO of HPE, says is defined by the ability to turn ideas into value faster than the competition.

Unleash Productivity with Data Center Modernization

By David Fafel |   Dec 27, 2016

IT departments are undergoing a drastic change as more and more data is pushed to the cloud and new technologies arise. However, those departments are also being asked to do more with increasingly shrinking budgets. So, what’s the answer? Data center modernization, which will upgrade your server infrastructure while also increasing productivity and decreasing costs.

What Makes Up The Software Defined Data Center?

By David Fafel |   Jun 07, 2016

“Software Defined Data Center is where…all the complexity in configuring and changing all the individual elements is abstracted to a single control level where you can make those changes with the single press of a button.”

What is Your Enterprise Mobility Strategy for 2016?

By David Fafel |   May 10, 2016

Mobile technology is reinventing the workplace. As more and more companies institute a work from anywhere policy, and with the proliferation of mobile apps and interconnected devices, the workplace is moving far beyond the traditional office setting.

6 Tips for a Successful ITaaS Transition

By David Fafel |   Mar 17, 2016

Getting your team up to speed in your ITaaS transition can seem daunting with all of the major changes that look and feel different from original protocol, but ultimately the process boils down to careful planning and thorough communication. While change always starts at the top, an effective transformation will depend on the enthusiasm of your workforce, and their willingness to embrace new ways of doing things. For a step-by-step guide that will lead you through all of the important steps of this process, check out our whitepaper, Making the Transition to ITaaS. But for starters, the following tips should position your organization for a successful transition to ITaaS.

Key Elements of an ITaaS Strategy

By David Fafel |   Mar 10, 2016

Maxwell Health CEO, Veer Gidwaney wrote that as-a-service trends were poised to change the world. Even in 2014, as-a-service models were sweeping industries from software to healthcare. Giants such as Amazon and Netflix are now fully cemented in the entertainment space based on their aaS models; from business to personal life, such trends are creating evolution in the way people work and live. Companies can capitalize on aaS models by implementing IT as a service, or ITaaS.

Benefits of the ITaaS Model

By David Fafel |   Mar 03, 2016

As IT organizations are recognizing the increased efficiency, agility, and scalability of virtualized mission-critical applications, the next critical phase is to develop an IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) program as a method of staying ahead of a constantly evolving IT and business environment. What is distinctive about the ITaaS model is that it allows an organization’s IT department to function as a separate business entity, operating as a value-based service team that delivers precisely the resources needed, when needed. [click to tweet] This model is geared towards the unique demands and requirements of internal and external customers.

BONUS White Paper:  "Top 5 Advantages of Moving to ITaaS" 

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