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David Fafel

David Fafel, Chief Architect, leads WEI’s long-term technology vision, and is responsible for spearheading development of complex solutions, architecture, as well as application development. David engages with our clients to drive technology design across datacenter environments, cloud architecture and IT strategy. David holds several technical certifications from HP, Cisco, IBM and other leading technology innovators.
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Posts by David Fafel

Why IT as a Service? Why Now?

By David Fafel |   Feb 04, 2016

In the cloud era, IT has been defined by the ability to deliver key components as a service, including software, platform and infrastructure. It’s no surprise that the latest development in this trend has been IT as a service (ITaaS), a new delivery model that allows organizations to quickly and easily add capabilities from across the IT landscape as needed, using virtualization technology, service catalogs, and predefined delivery models.

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