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David Fafel

David Fafel, Chief Architect, leads WEI’s long-term technology vision, and is responsible for spearheading development of complex solutions, architecture, as well as application development. David engages with our clients to drive technology design across datacenter environments, cloud architecture and IT strategy. David holds several technical certifications from HP, Cisco, IBM and other leading technology innovators.
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Posts by David Fafel

How to Prepare Your Enterprise for Containerization: Part I

By David Fafel |   May 01, 2018

Have you heard the term “containerization” thrown around a lot recently? It’s a hot topic in the IT world, but what exactly does it mean and how can you prepare your enterprise to take advantage of what it has to offer? Continue reading to learn all about it and the steps your enterprise needs to take to deploy containers in your organization.

A Look at 3 Hyperconverged Infrastructure Solutions

By David Fafel |   Mar 15, 2018

Although Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) is not a dominant solution yet, all signs indicate it will be soon. In fact, Gartner predicts that in five years it will be reaching $5 billion in spending. According to Gartner, there are five keys as to why so many organizations and IT leaders are turning to HCI.

3 Critical Tips for Mitigating CPU Vulnerabilities [Meltdown and Spectre Update]

By David Fafel |   Jan 18, 2018

It’s been two weeks since the IT world was rocked by the news of the CPU vulnerabilities known as Meltdown and Spectre. It’s making headline news due to how far the vulnerabilities extend—to nearly every processor manufactured over the past 20 years—as well as the potential impacts in mitigating these vulnerabilities. Every server, computer, tablet, phone or any other computing device with a modern CPU is potentially affected. (See WEI’s Customer Advisory about Meltdown and Spectre in this blog post.)

WEI Customer Advisory: The Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities

By David Fafel |   Jan 05, 2018

WEI is aware of the new vulnerabilities related to Intel and other CPUs which could potentially allow an attacker to gather privileged information from CPU cache and system memory, putting enterprise security at risk. The vulnerabilities are code named “Meltdown” and “Spectre." The “Meltdown” issue is reported to only affect Intel CPUs while “Spectre” is reported to affect Intel, AMD, and ARM. The impact of these vulnerabilities could extend back to CPUs from as early as 1995 (in the case of Intel).

Overcoming Security and Compliance Challenges of Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Dec 12, 2017

Has your organization clearly defined your hybrid IT strategy? According to Gartner’s Managing Vice President, Chris Howard, "Many organizations have now passed the definitional stage of cloud computing and are testing cloud architectures inside and outside the enterprise, and over time, the cloud will simply become one of the ways that we 'do' computing, and workloads will move around in hybrid internal/external IT environments. As a result, the traditional role of the enterprise IT professional is changing and becoming multifaceted. A hybrid IT model requires internal and external IT professionals to support the business capabilities of the enterprise."

Hybrid IT: IT’s Changing Role in the Enterprise

By David Fafel |   Dec 05, 2017

According to the findings of a recent study, it is estimated that 90 percent of companies will eventually move to a Hybrid IT model. This is no surprise considering the many advantages such as agility, scalability, resiliency, automation, simplicity, and reduced costs that only hybrid IT can offer. The quickening migration to hybrid IT is evident in an IDG study published in Forbes, which estimates that a typical IT department has only 40% of its apps and platforms residing in on premise solutions. How exactly does hybrid IT transform the role of the traditional IT team? Read on to find out.

How to Target and Manage Hybrid IT Effectively

By David Fafel |   Nov 28, 2017

Hybrid IT is a new paradigm that is redefining the function of IT within an organization. However, the implementation of new archetypes always comes with challenges along the way. Change is never easy, but often worth it. The traditional on premise enterprise took a long time to build, so naturally, rebuilding and modernizing it will not happen overnight.

Hybrid IT vs. Hybrid Cloud: What’s the Difference?

By David Fafel |   Oct 31, 2017

There is a great deal of conversation and interest about hybrid cloud and hybrid IT in the IT community today. While these two buzzwords do share some distinct similarities, they are also very different business IT solutions. Here’s where they find common ground:

5 Reasons Why Your IT Strategy Should Be Hybrid

By David Fafel |   Oct 24, 2017

If you could start your company’s IT strategy from scratch, is there anything you would do differently? We’d bet that if most organizations asked themselves this question, hybrid IT would be part of the ideal setup. Here are some of the ways your existing IT would benefit from an overhaul, if given the opportunity:

What Limits Traditional IT? The Need for Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Sep 26, 2017

Today, the wide variety of available technology solutions opens the possibilities for organizations seeking the right combination of strategies to meet their diverse, unique needs. Luckily, companies who want to leverage the benefits of cloud computing don’t have to go “all-in” immediately; they are able to mix their traditional IT approaches with cloud-based solutions: this is described as hybrid IT. Why is traditional IT limiting? Read on for a look at hybrid IT’s importance. 

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