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Transforming Enterprise Security: The Role Of Various Network Security Solutions

By Victor Fabian |   Sep 10, 2024

Remote work, initially a temporary response to global circumstances, has become a permanent fixture for many enterprises and the clients we serve. This shift magnified the need for fast, secure access to critical applications from any location, pushing businesses to rethink traditional security strategies.

Cybersecurity And The Geopolitical Landscape: What IT Security Leaders Need To Know

By Todd Humphreys |   Jul 11, 2024

Today’s interconnected world means cybersecurity is no longer a concern that is confined to just the realm of IT departments and tech companies. It has become a critical aspect of global geopolitics, influencing international relations, national security, and economic stability. For IT security leaders at medium and large enterprises, understanding the geopolitical implications of cybersecurity is an important component to developing a resilient cyber strategy.

Focus On Cyberattack Prevention With Left-of-bang Cybersecurity Tools

By Shawn Murphy |   Jan 11, 2024

This is the final installment of a two-part series dissecting the Left of Bang strategy and mindset and how it applies to modern cybersecurity practices. Click here to read part one. Left of bang is a proactive cybersecurity approach that strengthens incident detection and response by identifying and addressing threats before they impact the organization.

Strengthen Security And Networking: Five Reasons To Invest In SASE For Hybrid Work

By Josh Cronin |   Jan 02, 2024

To stay updated in the evolving IT environment, organizations are consistently navigating multi-cloud transitions and embracing hybrid work models. The increasing dispersion of users and applications across platforms heightens the difficulty of ensuring a functioning, resilient, and consistent user experience.

Focus On Prevention To Solidify Your Ransomware Protection Strategy

By Shawn Murphy |   Dec 21, 2023

There used to be a single test to determine the effectiveness of your data backup strategy. It centered around successfully restoring your data from a backup, and you would rest easy knowing that you would, in theory, recover from a data loss event. It was really that simple.

Strengthen Incident Detection and Response with a Left of Bang Cyber Strategy & Mindset

By Todd Humphreys |   Nov 30, 2023

This is the first installment of a two-part series dissecting the Left of Bang strategy and mindset and how it applies to modern cybersecurity practices. Click here to read part two. 

Cybersecurity threats, including ransomware, malware and phishing, continue to grow and evolve, increasing risk for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Global Risks Report, cybercrimes rank among the top ten global risks—ahead of the natural resources and debt crises, prolonged economic downturn and the use of weapons of mass destruction. With 91% of respondents in the 2023 Global Cybersecurity Outlook study reporting that a “far-reaching, catastrophic cyber event is at least somewhat likely in the next two years,” organizations need to do more to keep pace with the diverse, ever-changing threat landscapeto better manage cyber risk.

Why Cisco Secure Firewall Is Your Best Choice For Network Security

By Josh Cronin |   Aug 22, 2023


As the world moves towards a digital future, network security is more important than ever. In an ideal network infrastructure setting, a single firewall would be enough to protect business assets from external threats. However, as technology progresses and attackers become more advanced, these security measures need to evolve in depth and flexibility.

Protecting Instagram Account Access

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 02, 2023

First launched in October 2010, Instagram started as a photo and video sharing app. Creators of the app were among the first to realize the potential of visual content to connect with followers. Today, Instagram focuses on a high-end visual experience where hundreds of millions daily users engage with photo and video content.

Now, 13 years after entering the social media ring, Instagram is joined alongside Facebook and WhatsApp under the Meta Platforms, Inc. umbrella. Instagram has evolved over recent years to keep up with the likes of TikTok, a short form video hosting service. Generally, Instagram is better suited for more polished content while TikTok revels in the space of raw, authentic video content.

FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall: The Leader Of Network Security Solutions

By Mike Thweatt |   Feb 07, 2023

Network security is an essential component of any organization's digital transformation journey. With the increasing complexity of cyber threats, network firewalls are a critical tool for protecting distributed infrastructure from malicious attacks. Security solution services offer organizations the ability to extend and strengthen their overall security efforts from edge to core, allowing them to securely scale their digital business operations. By deploying advanced technologies such as next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), organizations can protect themselves against a wide range of internal and external threats while maintaining high levels of performance. Read on to learn about Fortinet’s FortiGate NGFWsand why they are considered the best in the business when it comes to providing organizations protection against web-based network threats.

How An Innovative Approach To Network Segmentation Improves Data Security

By Josh Cronin |   Jun 14, 2022

The rapid implementation of digital transformation across all industries makes network management and security more complex. This heightened complexity increases vulnerabilities, leading to a greater frequency of data breaches along with a higher average cost per breach. Just last year, businesses experienced the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years at $4.24 million, rising from $3.86 million in 2020. To stay protected, enterprises need to utilize efficient approaches such as network segmentation.

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