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Forrester Study shows that Macs are Actually Less Expensive

By David Fafel |   Apr 21, 2020

In part of one this two-part blog series, we discussed the recent study by Forrester Research outlining the economic impact of Macs in the enterprise. The study showed that while the initial purchase price of a Mac is $500 more than a comparable PC, its true cost is actually $50.25 less over a 3-year product cycle once hardware and software costs are accounted for. The disparity in costs is even more pronounced once supporting costs such as provisioning, deployment, help desk tickets and energy are factored in. Forrester found the resulting cost savings to be $678.56. In the end, TCO matters far more than the initial price tag.

Industry Info to Know – 04.17.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 17, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

The WEI team has officially surpassed the 30-day mark of working from home. Depending on your local state government guidance, you may have been working from home longer. Either way we've learned a lot in 30 days about business continuity challenges and we continue to work with our customers to ensure their BC plans are effectively working as planned. The good news is that they are, and we're humbled to continue to support our customers in healthcare and higher ed with technology solutions and services that are driving their business forward through uncertain times, and uncertain obstacles. 

Secure Your Enterprise in a Zero Trust World with Intelligent Infrastructure

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 16, 2020

We are learning a lot about risk these days. The medical industry is combating one of the greatest health threats of the modern era. Then there are the economic and financial risks that businesses and their employees are facing in a world of uncertainty. Lost in all of this, is the continual barrage of threats within the IT digital world that nearly everyone belongs to. The world currently undergoes 720 million hack attempts and more than 350,000 new malware strains are created every day.  It is no wonder we call it a zero-trust world today.

Industry Info to Know – 04.10.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 10, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

As a team of trusted advisors to your company, we put a lot of effort into perfecting our practice. We are continuously learning, testing, and expanding our expertise across all facets of the enterprise IT landscape. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape.

Industry Info to Know – 04.03.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 03, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

As an IT solutions provider serving some of the country's largest enterprises, we put a lot of effort into perfecting our practice. We are continuously learning, testing, and expanding our expertise across all facets of the enterprise IT landscape. We want to earn your trust and earn the badge of trusted advisor to your company. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape. It's exciting to live and work in such a dynamic industry, and we love that we get to be part of that journey with our customers, helping them deliver their next innovation ahead of the curve. 

Industry Info to Know – 03.27.20 Roundup

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 27, 2020

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

As our customers can attest, WEI is obsessed with customer success. Part of our mission is to develop custom IT solutions for our customers that achieve real business outcomes. Customer satisfaction is our number one goal, not just throughout an engagement, throughout our long-term partnership. We want to earn your trust and earn the badge of trusted advisor to your company. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape. And we are also tech geeks, we love technology. It's exciting to live and work in such a dynamic industry, and we love that we get to be part of that journey with our customers, helping them deliver their next innovation ahead of the curve. 

Helping Your Company Accept—and Conquer—Any Business Challenge

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 25, 2020

If you’re like most companies, your remote work program until now made up a subsection or possibly a small part of your work force and operations. Some positions were ideally suited for it such as project managers or specialized tech support that are out and about remotely working. For most staff members, remote work was limited to short windows such as an occasional snow day or a family matter that forced them home for one reason or another. Some companies recently have allowed employees to work from home one day a week as a perk or incentive to improve company retention rates.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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