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What Makes Up The Software Defined Data Center?

By David Fafel |   Jun 07, 2016

“Software Defined Data Center is where…all the complexity in configuring and changing all the individual elements is abstracted to a single control level where you can make those changes with the single press of a button.”

Software Defined Systems: 5 Major Benefits to the Enterprise

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 02, 2016

Are you considering migrating to software defined systems to automate just about everything in your infrastructure? A software defined system uses software to automate and virtualize the main components of your IT architecture: Compute, Networking, and Storage. There are a number of benefits of software defined technology and today we will highlight five major benefits—we call them the 5 A’s.

Cloud Computing: Complying with Industry and Government Regulations

By Shane Garrett |   May 31, 2016

Since the cloud is by nature, “up in the clouds,” it can be harder for enterprises to know if they are complying with industry and governmental regulations than if they were employing on premise hardware and infrastructure.

3 Reasons Why the Market Demands Software Defined Networking

By Greg LaBrie |   May 26, 2016

Software Defined Networking is a new paradigm. One that is emerging in data centers around the world. It is not simply because it is the next natural progression of networking, but rather the market is demanding a modernized infrastructure to keep up with the pace of technological change. Let’s explore 3 (although there are several) market drivers begging for the salvation that SDN provides.

Network Segmentation as a Ransomware Mitigation Strategy

By Greg LaBrie |   May 24, 2016

At WEI we are always looking for new and comprehensive solutions to meet our customers’ changing security needs. According to Symantec’s 2015 Internet Threat Report, the number of ransomware attacks by cyber criminals more than doubled between 2013 and 2014. What can businesses do to avoid this? One piece of your comprehensive security puzzle should be to focus on network segmentation.

Cyber Attacks: Why Malicious Insiders are a Top Threat

By Greg LaBrie |   May 19, 2016

There are several different ways your current employees can knowingly or inadvertently bypass your security; while all can wreak havoc with your systems and cause irrevocable damage, those with malicious intent in mind are by far the worst. Understanding the different levels of threat and what may motivate these insiders can help you create strategies that truly mitigate your risk.

Software Defined Networking Explained

By Greg LaBrie |   May 17, 2016

Software defined networking (SDN) has emerged as a versatile, budget-friendly and dynamic architecture that allows IT managers to respond quickly to business demands and manage cloud networks in a central environment. It’s a new revolution in IT that can help propel your business ahead of the competition and deliver an impactful change. Surely you’ve seen that SDN can provide many benefits, but like any new IT project, you should make sure you are well-versed in the approach before deploying a new strategy.

Big Data Solutions vs. Traditional Data Warehouse

By Jay Cardin |   May 12, 2016

Organizations are currently faced with a cloud computing dilemma: should you use big data solutions or stick with the traditional data warehouse? If you choose the wrong platform to handle your company’s workload, you may find yourself shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars in frivolous fees. Let’s take a look into what big data and the data warehouse can offer to help you determine which option is right for your organization.

What is Your Enterprise Mobility Strategy for 2016?

By David Fafel |   May 10, 2016

Mobile technology is reinventing the workplace. As more and more companies institute a work from anywhere policy, and with the proliferation of mobile apps and interconnected devices, the workplace is moving far beyond the traditional office setting.

Concerned about Password Security? Amp up data security.

By Michael Thweatt |   May 05, 2016

At least once a year, you can find a report on the web about what the most common passwords are based upon leaked data. Think of these lists as the worst passwords you can ever use. Typically, 123456 and password top the list. Coming up the path of popularity are passwords 123456 and 123456789, as people are required to enter in longer passwords. Need a mix of letters and numbers? You might want to avoid abc123 and trustno1, among many others. Nowadays, a password security alone isn’t sufficient to lock anything down. How best can you secure your system to keep the bad guys out?

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