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Proud to be Named GNEMSDC’s 2016 Supplier of the Year

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 26, 2016

We are pleased to announce that for the second year in a row, WEI has been honored by The Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council (GNEMSDC) as the Supplier of the Year! This marks the fourth time WEI has won the award, and it solidifies our position among an elite group of minority-owned businesses in the New England area. We were generously nominated by CVS Health, who previously honored WEI with their 2015 Innovator of the Year award. Get the full scoop in the official press release.

How to “Test Drive” Cloud Services

By Michael Thweatt |   Jul 19, 2016

If your organization is considering a move to cloud computing, but you are worried about signing up for the proper services for your company, consider test driving the offerings before you make the switch. A well-researched and properly planned cloud deployment is the best strategy for companies seeking to take advantage of this new technology to take, but IT pros may be concerned about potential speed bumps and setbacks.

5 Tips for Improving Enterprise Network Security

By Jay Cardin |   Jul 12, 2016

In 2016, network security has been a topic of concern entering conversations in enterprise boardrooms across the world. With many recent high-profile hacks, security breaches and incidents of malware and ransomware, it’s no wonder organizations are quickly seeking strategies to beef up their security and avoid threats. Read on for five tips for improving enterprise network security.

4 Reasons Why You Need a Software Defined Data Center

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Jul 05, 2016

The hardware-driven data center will soon be unsustainable. If you think that statement may be too bold, look at the latest commentary on the benefits of the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC).

According to VMware, “The next generation of data centers is clearly software-defined: all infrastructure is virtualized and delivered as a service, with control entirely automated by software. To fully realize the potential of the software-defined data center, all infrastructure disciplines must therefore be virtualized, and put under automated control. [click to tweet] This creates a separate, more strategic motivation for software-defined storage.” Clearly, the hardware driven data center is well on its way to becoming an IT relic.

SDDC − Overcoming IT Challenges, Identifying Opportunities

By Josh Cronin |   Jun 28, 2016

The Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) is more so a reality for IT leaders now than ever before. Evolving from a buzzword, many IT leaders have a roadmap that includes SDDC. According a research poll conducted by IDG, 42% of IT Decision Makers plan to move to an SDDC. [click to tweet] As the hardware-driven data center proves itself insufficient to complete business processes and manage increasingly large and complex workloads for enterprises, the need illuminates itself further.

SDDC: Bottom-line Benefits that’ll Convince the C-Suite

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 23, 2016

The concept of “software-defined” is not new, in fact we’ve been replacing hardware with software for a long time. Think about the alarm clock you used in the 90’s. If you wanted to set your alarm clock for 30 minutes earlier than usual you had to rotate through 23 and a half hours to set your new time. But that was normal. Fast-forward to now and your alarm can be turned on, off, or adjusted with a click of a button – right on your mobile device – replacing hardware with a software enabled device.

WEI Named to the 2016 CRN Solution Provider 500 List

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 21, 2016

We’re honored to announce that CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, recently named WEI to their 2016 Solution Provider 500 (SP500) list; we were ranked at #93. This annual list honors an exclusive group of standout North American IT solution providers; we are recognized among the largest technology integrators, solution providers and IT consultants in North America by revenue, and are proud to have placed in the top 100.

WEI Applauds CVS Health’s Commitment to Social Responsibility

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 16, 2016

Our valued customer, CVS Health, sets the bar high for corporate social responsibility, partly due to their commitment to supplier diversity in the supply chain. They recently released their 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, CVS Health’s Prescription for a Better World, which highlights the progress CVS Health has made in the past year in collaboration with their partners. We’re happy to be featured on page 106 of the report, which can be viewed here. CVS Health’s Office of Supplier Diversity awarded WEI with the 2015 Innovator of the Year Ruby Award in the Supplier and Business Partner category for our contributions to developing creative, innovative solutions to significant business challenges – and because WEI is a minority-owned business who is also committed to diversity in our workplace.

Why SDDC: 3 Benefits of the Software Defined Data Center

By Josh Cronin |   Jun 14, 2016

The IT data center finds itself at a decisive nexus in its life cycle and is about to undergo a similar transformation to that of the Google self-driving car. Just as a computer-driven car doesn’t have to listen to the needs of a human driver, a software orchestrator drives all of the IT decision making, providing automated judgments for the organization based on the immediate conditions at hand. A Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) completes this transition.

Debunking the Top 4 Myths of SDN

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 09, 2016

Software Defined Networking is a revolution that is now upon us; and whenever a revolution occurs, consistent with human nature, there is always a hearty dose of revolt first. Revolt to new ideas and concepts shows up consistently in our human history, with IT being no exception.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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