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5 Tips for a Winning Digital Transformation Strategy

By David Fafel |   May 02, 2019

In today’s digital world, businesses with high-functioning IT departments have a significant advantage over their competition. More and more companies now choose to transform their organizations and redefine their IT services. If done correctly, digital transformation can revolutionize the way IT departments respond to dynamic business needs, thereby maximizing their potential and enabling them to serve customers and staff better. Digital transformation requires a strategic approach. The following tips can help you develop a robust plan for digital transformation within your organization.

4 Steps for Success with Cloud-Native Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Apr 30, 2019

Application owners are facing a critical challenge – in order to meet the demands of innovation-hungry customers, IT leaders must quickly evaluate whether to re-architect their applications for the cloud, or develop new applications entirely.

WEI’s Favorite Household Hacks for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 23, 2019

Over 50 million plastic bottles are thrown away every day in the United States and have truly become a staple in our everyday lives. But you don'y have to throw these plastic bottles away! Our number one recommendation would be to recycle those bottles, but have you thought about ways to reuse them? There are actually many different ways you can reuse and recycle the ordinary items you find in your household, and each time you do that is one less piece of plastic in your local landfill.

The Future of IT is Environmentally Friendly

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 18, 2019

April 22nd is Earth Day, but in the face of a rapidly changing world, one day to focus on being environmentally friendly isn’t enough. That’s why WEI continues to embrace its corporate responsibility and weave sustainable practices into the framework of the business.

Empower your Workforce with Employee Choice from Apple

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 16, 2019

In 1981, the classic British rock group, The Kings, sang, “Give the people what they want.” Companies are now giving their employees what they want as well when it comes to their company computing devices. What they want is choice. This should be of no surprise to anyone familiar with today’s technology climate as it is simply a natural extension of the Consumerization of IT. IDG Enterprise defines the CoIT as “the propensity for users’ experiences with technology as consumers to impact their expectations regarding their technology experiences at work.” Employees today want to have a say in the technology and tools they use at work, which makes sense, because we all prefer working with what we are comfortable with. 

The Nutanix Effect: Taking HCI to New Heights

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Apr 11, 2019

We’ve blogged about Nutanix in the past. In fact, we’ve written a lot about them. But some companies and products are worth talking about and deserve more than just 15 minutes of fame. That’s because sometimes, a company brings forth an idea that changes everything. Nutanix is one of those companies. Nutanix helped revolutionize the data center by integrating compute, networking, storage, and hypervisor software into one package. Suddenly, multiple components that had been dispersed throughout multiple racks are now compressed into a single appliance. This condensed footprint simplified the processes of purchasing, deployment, and management. Hyperconverged Infrastructure has proven itself to be the next step in the evolution of the data center. Dheeraj Pandey, Chairman, Founder and CEO of Nutanix, says it best:

10 Composable Infrastructure Benefits

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 09, 2019

Did you know that a recent IDG research study revealed 45 percent of IT decision makers do not understand the value of composable infrastructure? Even the most seasoned data center professionals are still growing familiar with what composable infrastructure is, how it came to be, and what its advantages are.

Why Cisco Talos is a Differentiator for your Enterprise Security Strategy

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 04, 2019

If your company is undergoing its digital transformation in order to achieve greater levels of agility, scalability, and efficiency, you may have realized the following correlation between size and security. As your digital environment increases, so does the number of attack opportunities into your network. As enterprise density escalates, so does your attack surface. The question then becomes, is the continued exponential growth of our networks today sustainable from a security point of view?

5 Tips to Finding Success with Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Apr 02, 2019

As enterprises continue to find their way in this digital era, the function of the IT organization is changing to take on a leadership role in digital transformation. As a result, technology investment decisions are now driven by strategic vision as well as tactical goals.

Why Ansible is the Automated Solution You’ve Been Waiting For

By Michael Thweatt |   Mar 28, 2019

We keep hearing about all of these wonderful technological advances that seem to never come to fruition. How many decades have we been waiting for the hovercrafts and flying cars we saw in cartoons and movies? We still haven’t cured major diseases yet, let alone the common cold. If you’re an IT administrator, you probably keep wondering when all this automation we’ve been promised is going to finally take place. You know, that magic automated tool that will rid ourselves of those humdrum tedious tasks that bog us down every day. Why is it that the development team is able to be agile but the server and networking teams are still bound by the same routines? Wasn’t the CLI supposed to be dead by now?

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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