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The Nutanix Effect: Taking HCI to New Heights

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Apr 11, 2019

We’ve blogged about Nutanix in the past. In fact, we’ve written a lot about them. But some companies and products are worth talking about and deserve more than just 15 minutes of fame. That’s because sometimes, a company brings forth an idea that changes everything. Nutanix is one of those companies. Nutanix helped revolutionize the data center by integrating compute, networking, storage, and hypervisor software into one package. Suddenly, multiple components that had been dispersed throughout multiple racks are now compressed into a single appliance. This condensed footprint simplified the processes of purchasing, deployment, and management. Hyperconverged Infrastructure has proven itself to be the next step in the evolution of the data center. Dheeraj Pandey, Chairman, Founder and CEO of Nutanix, says it best:

FAQs Regarding Nutanix Enterprise Cloud

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Nov 29, 2018

Nutanix was one of the first hyperconverged infrastructure solutions. People like asking about sizing, scaling, and adding nodes during initial HCI discussions, but hyperconvergence with Nutanix is much more than that. HCI is good for everything from VDI to desktop delivery and mission critical business apps.

What the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Can Mean to Your Company

By Shane Garrett |   May 03, 2018

Goldman Sachs describes the Nutanix software-driven enterprise cloud as a “once-in-a-decade infrastructure story.” Goldman Sachs does not toss out lofty acknowledgements like that haphazardly. Their research shows that companies are moving to hyperconverged systems to escape the legacy silo dominated IT infrastructure of yesteryear that is holding them back in a dynamic digital world. They see Nutanix as being a large benefactor of this movement due to its leadership and innovation. Nutanix and its Enterprise Cloud solution are positioned for success. This is further substantiated by Gartner, who recently recognized Nutanix as a leader in its magic quadrant for Hyperconverged Infrastructure. 

5 Reasons Your Next Gen Data Center Should Include Nutanix

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Apr 26, 2018

Two months ago, Gartner devoted a Magic Quadrant for the Hyperconverged Infrastructure market and placed Nutanix as the leader in the upper right-hand corner. On top of its recognized leadership status, Nutanix serves as the #1 HCI market share leader. The recognition of the HCI industry is of no surprise as Gartner predicts that 20 percent of business-critical applications currently deployed on three-tier infrastructure will transition to hyperconverged infrastructure by 2020. HCI is a new type of IT framework architecture that combines compute, storage, networking, and software-defined intelligence into a single system that reduces data center complexity while increasing scalability.

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