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Recent High Profile Security Breaches and Takeaways

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 25, 2017

There’s a lot to learn every day in the world of technology, especially with the ever-increasing amount of high-profile cyber breaches and criminal hacks. It seems every news article brings a new security scare, and businesses should be more alert than ever before. Want to know what threats are out there? Read on for an overview of recent security breaches, and find out what your organization can learn from them.

How to stop the latest cyber security threat, “Petya”

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 29, 2017

Remember the destruction WannaCry caused? The casualties included up to 300,000 encrypted computers in over 150 countries, not to mention the damage or loss of data entirely. The newest ransomware cyber-attack threat is far worse than WannaCry, and it's going by the name “Petya.”

Exploring Different High Availability Architectures and Solutions

By Greg LaBrie |   May 30, 2017

Every data center, application environment, enterprise organization, and cloud provider would probably like nothing better than to achieve “zero downtime” for all of their operations. High availability (HA) architecture can provide the flexibility and reliability that you’re seeking for backup and recovery solutions.

Lessons Learned: High Profile Enterprise Security Breaches

By Michael Thweatt |   May 16, 2017

Nearly every day, there is a new cybersecurity breach to announce; businesses should be more alert than ever before. In 2015, the Ponemon Institute and Symantec discovered that a whopping 47 percent of U.S. data breaches were the result of a malicious insider or criminal cyberattack. Read on for an illuminating look into recent high-profile cases, and what you can learn from them.

Enterprise Mobility: Securing your Data in a Mobile World

By Greg LaBrie |   May 02, 2017

Today’s enterprise is mobile, flexible and elastic. Many organizations utilize mobile apps for business applications, hire remote employees, use smartphones or tablets, store information in the cloud, communicate their data with multiple offices and employ contractors. All of these cases rely on access to data from any location. With all of these endpoints to cover, how can you best protect your assets?

Fixing One of the Biggest Holes in Data Security

By Michael Thweatt |   Apr 27, 2017

Unsecured printing and imaging leads to security breaches, putting organizations at risk of costly lawsuits and public relations nightmares.

Today’s printers can connect to wireless networks, scan and send documents, store data on hard drives, and even produce 3D materials. They have many of the same capabilities—and the same vulnerabilities—as computers. As their features increase, so do the opportunities for security breaches in the printing process.

Avoid a Whaling Attack: Recognizing 3 Common Security Risks

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 22, 2016

We recently discussed an emerging cyber threat called whaling, a new highly-targeted phishing tactic that’s threatening enterprises’ most valuable employees: the C-Suite. While whaling is similar to any other phishing or spam email scam, it’s a tactical approach that takes its time by targeting high-level executives by leveraging what seems to be legitimate business correspondence. How can you recognize a whaling attack before it infiltrates your organization? Read this post to get to know the common security risks.

Cyber Attacks: Why Malicious Insiders are a Top Threat

By Greg LaBrie |   May 19, 2016

There are several different ways your current employees can knowingly or inadvertently bypass your security; while all can wreak havoc with your systems and cause irrevocable damage, those with malicious intent in mind are by far the worst. Understanding the different levels of threat and what may motivate these insiders can help you create strategies that truly mitigate your risk.

Concerned about Password Security? Amp up data security.

By Michael Thweatt |   May 05, 2016

At least once a year, you can find a report on the web about what the most common passwords are based upon leaked data. Think of these lists as the worst passwords you can ever use. Typically, 123456 and password top the list. Coming up the path of popularity are passwords 123456 and 123456789, as people are required to enter in longer passwords. Need a mix of letters and numbers? You might want to avoid abc123 and trustno1, among many others. Nowadays, a password security alone isn’t sufficient to lock anything down. How best can you secure your system to keep the bad guys out?

Get to Know the Real Threats to your Company’s Data Security

By Michael Thweatt |   Apr 14, 2016

Did you know that your data could be compromised at this moment, even if none of your security measures have sounded an alarm? As companies across the nation reported data breaches throughout the past few years, one commonality was noted: in most breaches, the data was compromised for weeks or even months before anyone noticed. When you couple that fact with some of the expectations for data security in the coming years, you realize that both internal and external security in most organizations has to evolve if it’s going to do any good.

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