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How Expedient Is Shaping The Future Of Edge Computing

By Patrick Gamble |   Sep 19, 2023

The University of Phoenix once faced a myriad of IT challenges: outdated infrastructure, technical debt, and annual data center costs upwards of $1.7 million. The online university’s previous attempts to switch to a hyperscale cloud failed due to the complexity of modernizing old applications and workloads.

Their story took a better turn when the university adopted Expedient Enterprise Cloud and started migrating its most challenging workload. Their success enabled a more efficient and cost-effective digital transformation which replaced technical debt with modern solutions.


Mitigate Ransomware With Fortinet's Five-Point Solution

By Mike Thweatt |   Sep 05, 2023

A constant, unwelcome guest in the digital transformation era refuses to leave: ransomware. This digital villain continues to adapt and grow despite years of battle. Although there have been a number of alerts and updates about ransomware, enterprises are still finding it difficult to ward off these threats.

3 Reasons To Embrace DRaaS For Your Business

By Patrick Gamble |   Jul 25, 2023

Picture this: You've just been involved in a minor car accident. Thankfully, you have car insurance, and while you hoped to never use it, it sits available at a moment’s notice. In the business world, that's the essence of Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS). It's like insurance for your critical data and applications: it might seem unnecessary at first, but when disaster strikes, you'll be grateful for the investment.

How To Take The Best Approach For Your Unified Storage Journey

By Patrick Gamble |   Jun 13, 2023

As customer preferences, business operations, and enterprise competition evolve, IT leaders must ensure their data storage solutions meet customer needs. For that reason, an enhanced security and data recovery strategy is required for thriving in today's fast-paced digital economy. One method to achieve this objective is implementing unified storage, which consolidates all data into a single, scalable platform and mitigates potential threats. This allows businesses to replace ineffective data storage systems and deploy a simplified, efficient solution that minimizes downtime and streamlines operations.

The Future of Disaster Recovery: Three Reasons Enterprises Need DRaaS

By Jay Cardin |   May 23, 2023

In the era of remote working cybersecurity risks, evolving IoT, increased cloud services, and revolving ransomware, businesses require reliable IT infrastructure to protect their data and ensure continuity of operations. According to Veeam's 2023 Trends In Data Protection report, 79% of IT leaders see a “Protection Gap” between tolerable data loss and how IT protects their data. Addressing this gap usually involves an upgrade of various disaster recovery services for production and protection. To tackle this concern, enterprises are better off subscribing to Disaster Recovery as-a-Service (DRaaS) rather than traditional disaster recovery solutions for cost efficiency, scalability, and reliability.

How Unified Storage Addresses Ransomware Threats, Enables Recovery

By Patrick Gamble |   Dec 13, 2022

The quantity and severity of ransomware attacks are expected to rise once again in 2023, and businesses need to take steps to protect themselves from these costly and disruptive incidents. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, “Ransomware will cost its victims around $265 billion (USD) annually by 2031.” These attacks have a devastating impact on enterprises, causing critical data loss and downtime. In addition, businesses may also be liable for the cost of the ransomware attack itself.

Because organizations generate a large amount of data every day and have increasingly large workloads moving between hybrid and multi-cloud environments, unified storage has become important for ransomware protection. In this post, we cover what unified storage is and how it addresses ransomware.

Cisco Paves The Way To A Secure Passwordless Future

By Josh Cronin |   Sep 13, 2022

How many accounts do you log in to every day that require a password? Chances are there are quite a few with banking, health portals, shopping, email, and gaming among the common account types. As more enterprises move forward with their digital transformation efforts, password use will only increase. With the shift to a digital presence, customers, vendors, and employees will eventually need unique account credentials to access the information they require – adding yet another password they must memorize.

Data Protection: Dell PowerProtect Cyber Recovery Solution

By Mark Hargreaves |   Sep 06, 2022

Data drives today’s world. The push toward digital transformation at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought an increase in the volume and value of data across interconnected networks. Moving data digitally allowed enterprises to adapt to a more remote environment, but it has also made data more available to criminals looking to exploit weak points within the architecture. To further illustrate this fact:

Enhance Enterprise Data Security And Protection With Modern Solutions

By Mark Hargreaves |   Aug 09, 2022

Ensuring a strong defense against security breaches is an essential part of any modern business. Being responsible for important data like financial and medical records or other private information means you simply cannot ignore proper security protocols. Enterprise data security and protection is a crucial part of any company’s IT structure. Fortunately, there are simple yet powerful data storage solutions that guarantee data security and protection along with solid recoverability options.

How An Innovative Approach To Network Segmentation Improves Data Security

By Josh Cronin |   Jun 14, 2022

The rapid implementation of digital transformation across all industries makes network management and security more complex. This heightened complexity increases vulnerabilities, leading to a greater frequency of data breaches along with a higher average cost per breach. Just last year, businesses experienced the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years at $4.24 million, rising from $3.86 million in 2020. To stay protected, enterprises need to utilize efficient approaches such as network segmentation.

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