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Exploring AZURE vs AWS

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 25, 2018

As a society, we love to put entities head-to-head against one another. Automotive enthusiasts have debated Ford vs. Chevy for decades. Every year college football fans debate which conference is stronger: Big Ten or SEC. When it comes to IaaS cloud computing, the inevitable debate between Azure and AWS separates the room between enthusiasts of each provider as well. Unfortunately, deliberating between the two in hopes of distinguishing a clear winner is kind of like debating who the greater basketball player is between LeBron James and Michael Jordan. It kind of all depends on your point of view and what you value.

How Hybrid Cloud Took the World by Storm in 2017

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 02, 2018

This year has seen monumental growth in cloud computing and companies are embracing a cloud-first attitude more than ever before. The hybrid cloud computing model allows organizations to leverage the strengths of their current on premise network and augment them with the elasticity and innovations of the cloud. It offers organizations great opportunities, not through new technology exactly, but by a new fresh approach to technology that is continuing to evolve and mature in real time.

How to Optimize Your Network for the Hybrid Cloud

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 04, 2017

Are you moving to the hybrid cloud? Anyone who has managed the transition of relocating a data center knows firsthand the planning and organization that is required for such an enormous endeavor. The conversionary process from an on premise environment to a hybrid model demands the same level of preparation to ensure a successful implementation. The location of your company’s resources is irrelevant to your users, so if resources aren’t available for your end users, then it is your local network that will be blamed. 

VMware and Amazon Web Services: A New Hybrid Cloud Partnership

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 06, 2017

Want to improve your cloud operations and take advantage of robust new technology options? Now you can, as you may have heard the news recently about the new partnership between VMware and Amazon Web Services (AWS), called VMware Cloud on AWS. Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), an IT analysis, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides market intelligence and actionable insight to the global IT community, recently published a technology brief announcing the new joint offering; read on for an overview of its structure and benefits.

6 Tips to guide a Hybrid Cloud Deployment

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 21, 2017

Recently, we shared four items to consider when preparing your data center to move to the hybrid cloud. Read on to learn about additional tips for a hybrid cloud deployment.

4 Tips for Strengthening Hybrid Cloud Security

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 28, 2017

The growth rate of the hybrid cloud seems to be living up to its hype. In fact, Forrester Research recently updated their growth prediction of the cloud market by 20 percent above their initial forecast three years ago. Their current estimate is an investment of $191 billion by 2020.  As another example of this growth, as of January 2015, Microsoft Azure was storing more than 10 trillion objects, an increase of 6 trillion objects since July 2012.

Implementing Hybrid Cloud: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 21, 2017

The hybrid cloud is an excellent tool for enterprise, but like any new technology, there are some definite challenges when navigating unfamiliar waters as well as a few potential snags in the road that can delay, hinder or even potentially terminate your hybrid cloud implementation. Below are some of the potential missteps that you can avoid if you properly plot your transition in advance.

Prepare Your Data Center for the Hybrid Cloud [Checklist]

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 14, 2017

Has your organization identified an initiative to move to the hybrid cloud? Your data center likely isn’t ready to just be picked up and relocated; you’ll need to complete specific preparations before making the switch. Here are several items to check off your list before fully integrating hybrid cloud.

5 Areas to Master for Your Hybrid Cloud

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Jan 26, 2017

If you’re serious about making a successful move to hybrid cloud, now’s the time to make progress in each of these five areas.

The 5-minute Virtualization and Cloud Glossary

By Mark Gabryjelski |   Dec 29, 2016

Virtualization is the foundation for all Cloud based services, offerings, and changes to business operations and procedures. There are three (3) major areas in the data center where Virtualization exists to enable automation, auditing, and Cloud services. Let’s get started!

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