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Top 5 Reasons to Embrace Juniper Network's AI-Driven SD-WAN

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 08, 2023

In the competitive world of technology, one of the biggest challenges for IT leaders is adapting to evolving tactics and changes in network connectivity. This is similar to professional sports, as offensive and defensive schemes often change during a season due to trending playbook wrinkles. Team leaders that deploy dated scheming eventually fall behind in on-field play and their win-loss record will reflect this. In the world of IT, outdated network architectures and middleware lead to more serious burdens with hindered device management and security. As a result, many enterprises can’t fully enjoy the benefits of cloud technologies and digital transformation.

Dell PowerEdge Servers Lead The Way For Sustainable Digital Transformation

By Mark Hargreaves |   Jul 11, 2023

As various businesses embrace the digital transformation era, sustainability has become a pressing concern, especially when it comes to aligning with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. For this reason, data centers have come under scrutiny for their significant power usage, which accounts for an astounding 4% of global electricity consumption. To stay within ordinances, enterprises are adopting greener initiatives as part of their digital transformation journey and their data centers.  

This brings us to Dell Technologies, which has made remarkable strides in sustainability with its latest generation of PowerEdge servers, offering businesses a simple way to scale workloads while prioritizing eco-friendly practices

Smart Cooling Technology For Servers: Getting Started

By Mark Hargreaves |   Dec 20, 2022

Thanks to increasingly effective servers, meteorologists are predicting weather more accurately, scientists are crafting new vaccines using genetic sequencing, and doctors are diagnosing patients faster with the best resources available. As technology advances, however, the demands placed on servers also increases. Projections indicate that by the end of 2023, the internet will be comprised of 114 zettabytes of information, and that number will only increase with time. This equation leads to increased energy consumption which means more heat production. Increased heat production often results in a decrease in system performance.

To combat this issue, Dell has incorporated AI-driven cooling into its PowerEdge server line. This exciting technology uses thermal and mechanical simulation tools to optimize cooling and ensure sustained system performance. In this article, we discuss the benefits of smart cooling technology and how it is helping Dell EMC continue to push the boundaries of technological innovation.

Disruptive Change Ignites New Paradigm of Digital Innovation

By Patrick Gamble |   Mar 31, 2022

WEI recently had the pleasure of hosting a virtual conversation about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its critical role in digital transformation and the intelligent network. This eye-opening exchange was led by Linda Bernardi, a professional speaker, author, corporate consultant, and innovative disruptor. In her 40-minute discussion, Linda touched on the power that disruptive technologies are having across the business spectrum. She presented an actionable blueprint outlining the proven AI strategies that companies should be implementing to succeed in this new age. Linda’s bold ideas centered around the need to rethink many of the traditional progressions that restrict our thinking, and ultimately, our success.

Enhance Network Management With AI Technology

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 25, 2022

These days, IT leaders are typically managing and securing their enterprise’s IT estate that is vast in size and pumping with computing power at the outer edges of the network. On top of that, employees are now dispersed across an ever-expanding remote workspace designed to replicate the primary office environment.

How AI Supports The Cybersecurity Needs of Your Enterprise

By Mike Thweatt |   Mar 22, 2022

Vast amounts of cybersecurity incidents can quickly overload security teams in this day and age. Due to a marked increase in sophisticated cyberthreats, IT teams are struggling with alert fatigue, an accelerated threat landscape, and a shortage of skilled workers. This increase in cybersecurity threats has made it more important than ever to protect your organization’s sensitive data. Fortunately, the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support the complex needs every modern enterprise has today.

Discover the Self-Driving Network That Juniper Mist Delivers

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 17, 2022

Just as the AI-driven app on your smartphone navigates you to a new destination, IT leaders also believe there should be an AI-driven app that assists with managing a self-driving network. Well, turns out there is such an app available for that, and it is called Mist AI from Juniper, a recognized leader in AI for IT operations (AIOps).

AI In The Enterprise and Its Unquestioned Value

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 14, 2022

Be sure to read our blog article, Discover The Self-Driving Network That Juniper Mist Delivers.

Way back in 2005, Gartner predicted that the consumerization of IT would be one of the most significant trends over the next decade. This prediction has held true as the consumerization of IT has repeatedly played itself out in recent years. Emerging technologies have made their way from the consumer market and into business enterprises with the next phase of this consumerization trend now in motion. And its central focus? Artificial intelligence (AI).

Discover 3 Ways Aruba ESP Drives Digital Transformation Initiatives

By Victor Fabian |   Jan 25, 2022

As enterprises push their digital transformation efforts into overdrive to support employees and make business decisions from anywhere, they open themselves up to a new world of data and security risks. To help manage this new influx of information and mitigate security breaches, enterprises need a solution that can analyze the massive amounts of unstructured data at the point where people, devices, and things connect to the digital world. This is where HPE Aruba Networking ESP shines. Keep reading to learn more about ESP and how it can help your enterprise on its journey to digital transformation and beyond.

Why You Should Choose Dell For Your AI Initiatives

By David Fafel |   Sep 07, 2021

Regardless of the industry, all enterprises are looking for strategies to improve their organizations and stay competitive in the market. However, when it comes to technological innovation, there’s one piece in particular that often blocks the way forward: the human element. While computers may still lack the creativity that sets the human mind apart, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important part of modern computing, especially when it comes to processing and managing data.

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