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3 Ways Enterprise Mobility Can Support Organizations

By Michael Thweatt |   May 24, 2018

Mobile applications and devices are seeping into every aspect of our personal and professional lives. To keep up with the changing times and the demands of consumers and employees, it’s important for enterprises to leverage the mobility trend to their advantage.

Cloud Security Recommendations for your Enterprise

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 20, 2018

Are you considering switching your enterprise from a legacy hardware infrastructure to a more streamlined system? Are you afraid of the enterprise security risks that come with using a cloud-based technology? While the anxiety is understandable, there are proactive measures you can take to ensure the security of your data. Keep reading to discover the pros and cons of each deployment option as well as our cloud security recommendations to protect your information.

The Five Core Principles of Modern Enterprise Cybersecurity (Part 2)

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 15, 2018

gnIn Part 1 of this blog series, we discussed the unprecedented amount of money being allocated to cybersecurity in the coming year and beyond, as well as how money, without a core foundational strategy, could be simply money that is tossed to the wind. In Part 2, we will look at the remaining three of the five core principles that can make a meaningful difference concerning the your enterprise cybersecurity and users.

The Five Core Principles of Modern Enterprise Cybersecurity (Part 1)

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 13, 2018

It is the start of a new year - that time in which we break down the complexities of life into more manageable elements in order to strategize for the year ahead and attempt to improve upon our efforts of the year prior. This also applies to your company’s enterprise cybersecurity strategy. According to Gartner, worldwide cybersecurity spending reached $90 billion in 2017.

3 Critical Tips for Mitigating CPU Vulnerabilities [Meltdown and Spectre Update]

By David Fafel |   Jan 18, 2018

It’s been two weeks since the IT world was rocked by the news of the CPU vulnerabilities known as Meltdown and Spectre. It’s making headline news due to how far the vulnerabilities extend—to nearly every processor manufactured over the past 20 years—as well as the potential impacts in mitigating these vulnerabilities. Every server, computer, tablet, phone or any other computing device with a modern CPU is potentially affected. (See WEI’s Customer Advisory about Meltdown and Spectre in this blog post.)

WEI Customer Advisory: The Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities

By David Fafel |   Jan 05, 2018

WEI is aware of the new vulnerabilities related to Intel and other CPUs which could potentially allow an attacker to gather privileged information from CPU cache and system memory, putting enterprise security at risk. The vulnerabilities are code named “Meltdown” and “Spectre." The “Meltdown” issue is reported to only affect Intel CPUs while “Spectre” is reported to affect Intel, AMD, and ARM. The impact of these vulnerabilities could extend back to CPUs from as early as 1995 (in the case of Intel).

Bitcoin - Speculative Bubble Maybe, Enterprise Security Troubles for Sure

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 04, 2018

This holiday season, the frenzy is not about the “must have” toy, it is the must have investment – Bitcoin. The TV networks cannot stop talking about the dramatic rise in its value that seems to occur on a daily basis, if not hourly. The cable business news shows shuffle in cryptocurrency and financial industry pundits to discuss the significance the new digital gold and the cryptocurrency market at large. They debate each other whether bitcoin is a sure deal that will continue returning positive dividends, or a bubble that is about to burst. Both sides of the argument have their “experts” as to why you should or should not get involved bitcoin mania. CNBC reports that people are maxing out their credit cards to buy, buy, and buy. Some people are even taking home equity loans on their house to maximize the number of coins they can afford.

The Bitcoin Bubble is Creating New Cybersecurity Threats

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 14, 2017

Mark Twain popularized the phrase, “There’s gold in them thar hills,” when he wrote about the gold rush of 1849. Today, the gold lies not in the hills of California, but within crypto mining servers dispersed across the Internet. This new gold is not mined by the power of the pick and shovel, or even dynamite. Instead, computer processors power the mining operations that create this digital gold. Welcome to the modern day gold rush of today’s digital age.

How to Combat Ransomware Threats: 4 Enterprise Security Tips

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 15, 2017

If organizations weren’t serious about tightening their cybersecurity strategy to combat ransomware within the past sixteen months, the mammoth WannaCry attack launched against the world on Friday, May 12, 2017 has certainly induced them to do so. Like most enterprise security threats, there are multiple ways to combat ransomware. Some methods are more intrusive than others though.

Recent High Profile Security Breaches and Takeaways

By Greg LaBrie |   Jul 25, 2017

There’s a lot to learn every day in the world of technology, especially with the ever-increasing amount of high-profile cyber breaches and criminal hacks. It seems every news article brings a new security scare, and businesses should be more alert than ever before. Want to know what threats are out there? Read on for an overview of recent security breaches, and find out what your organization can learn from them.

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