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Cybersecurity Takeaways from Recent Ransomware Attacks

By Michael Thweatt |   Jun 01, 2017

The news is buzzing with instances of companies being taken for a ride by cyber thieves. Their new tactic? Injecting dangerous software into the organization and locking their data up until a ransom is paid. While the FBI still recommends not paying the ransom, enterprises are taking varying approaches to combatting ransomware. In this post we dive into some recent ransomware attacks and takeaways your organization can learn from them.

The Reason Why Global Ransomware Attacks Will Continue

By Greg LaBrie |   May 18, 2017

Last year, ransomware became a $1 billion dollar industry. If ransomware were a traditional legitimate industry it would be the focus of case studies for business schools at colleges and universities across the world. Its exponential growth has been unprecedented and its nefarious means of encrypting one’s data files to garner ransom has captured the headlines of newspapers, journals, blog sites, and news channels. One billion dollars brings a lot of attention and spotlight to something.

Lessons Learned: High Profile Enterprise Security Breaches

By Michael Thweatt |   May 16, 2017

Nearly every day, there is a new cybersecurity breach to announce; businesses should be more alert than ever before. In 2015, the Ponemon Institute and Symantec discovered that a whopping 47 percent of U.S. data breaches were the result of a malicious insider or criminal cyberattack. Read on for an illuminating look into recent high-profile cases, and what you can learn from them.

Fixing One of the Biggest Holes in Data Security

By Michael Thweatt |   Apr 27, 2017

Unsecured printing and imaging leads to security breaches, putting organizations at risk of costly lawsuits and public relations nightmares.

Today’s printers can connect to wireless networks, scan and send documents, store data on hard drives, and even produce 3D materials. They have many of the same capabilities—and the same vulnerabilities—as computers. As their features increase, so do the opportunities for security breaches in the printing process.

Protect Your Enterprise with More Cybersecurity Smart Moves

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 25, 2017

We recently shared five smart moves for IT leaders to focus on when creating an effective cybersecurity strategy. They included basic care like updating an employee security policy and avoiding physical theft, but they also covered monitoring digital footprints in order to thwart malicious insider threats. In this blog post we dive into some additional risks your organization may be facing, and what you can do to stop them.

5 Smart Moves for Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Strategy

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 18, 2017

In a complex technological world that faces an ever changing threat landscape, the team in charge of managing cybersecurity may find it difficult to know where to focus their often limited resources. [click to tweet] Some areas, such as firewalls and operating system updates, are obvious priorities. But what else deserves your attention?

Enterprise Security and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

By Michael Thweatt |   Apr 13, 2017

How good are your enterprise’s security defenses? Today’s hackers have access to an arsenal of tools for carrying out targeted attacks, thanks in part to an anonymous and hidden area of the internet called the Dark Web (also called Deep Web or Darknet). Payment for purchases made there is typically in the international digital currency Bitcoin, which offers a fairly high level of privacy.

Enterprise Security in 2017: Comparing 2016 Threats to Now

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 17, 2017

If you have had the chance to read any of the latest analyst predictions for 2017, then you will have noticed that security remains at the top of the list. So what will you do differently this year than in year's past? As you review your security strategies and revisit best practices this New Year, it’s important to reflect upon the past. We examined the top security threats last year in our white paper, Effectively Managing Cyber Security: Top 5 Enterprise Threats. Now read on to learn about the top five enterprise security threats to the confidential and proprietary information on your network -- that you must consider for this year.

3 Real Cases of Whaling as an Enterprise Security Threat

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 10, 2017

There’s a new technology threat your organization should be cautious of in 2017 – it’s called whaling. Just like the practice of hunting a whale, cyber criminals use this technique to reel in a big catch by targeting top decision-making executives at enterprise organizations—and it works. If that doesn’t sound scary enough, many companies have experienced this threat in a very real way. Read on for a look into some high-profile, real-life whaling cases and their consequences.

Avoid the Latest Enterprise Security Threat: ‘Whaling’

By Greg LaBrie |   Dec 20, 2016

There’s a new kind of threat to your enterprise, under the phishing and spam umbrella, and that danger is referred to as whaling. Specifically designed attacks target your most valuable team members, the boardroom executives, and infiltrate your enterprise to a scary extent. How can you avoid whaling? Read on for our cyber security threat briefing.

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