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5 Reasons Why Your IT Strategy Should Be Hybrid

By David Fafel |   Oct 24, 2017

If you could start your company’s IT strategy from scratch, is there anything you would do differently? We’d bet that if most organizations asked themselves this question, hybrid IT would be part of the ideal setup. Here are some of the ways your existing IT would benefit from an overhaul, if given the opportunity:

The Importance of Having a Digital-Ready Network

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 17, 2017

Is your organization’s network fully optimized to operate in today’s digital world? Even today’s most technologically-forward companies may still have some legacy hardware that is holding them back from taking full advantage of the benefits that cloud computing offers. If you’re using digital networking as a product and service delivery method, you may be missing out on an opportunity to truly turn digital transformation into a long term business development strategy.

3 Cautions When Using Flash Storage in the Data Center

By Shane Garrett |   Oct 10, 2017

There’s a sea of change afoot in enterprise data centers, focused on identifying the best storage media for the mountain of application data. As opposed to the loyal, hard disk drive (HDD), enterprise storage is being transformed by the use of persistent flash memory for primary workloads. Yet, with all the good flash storage can do, there are a few misconceptions that can derail an otherwise solid flash storage investment. If you plan to deploy flash storage, read on for three cautions and considerations from a technology partner.

Planning Your Hybrid Cloud Deployment to Maximize Success

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 03, 2017

Has your organization paved the way for a hybrid cloud deployment? If not, we believe that the hybrid model deserves a closer look; Gartner estimates nearly half of all large enterprises will have hybrid cloud deployments by the end of this year, due to the added flexibility and elasticity it provides organizations with existing on premise infrastructures.

What Limits Traditional IT? The Need for Hybrid IT

By David Fafel |   Sep 26, 2017

Today, the wide variety of available technology solutions opens the possibilities for organizations seeking the right combination of strategies to meet their diverse, unique needs. Luckily, companies who want to leverage the benefits of cloud computing don’t have to go “all-in” immediately; they are able to mix their traditional IT approaches with cloud-based solutions: this is described as hybrid IT. Why is traditional IT limiting? Read on for a look at hybrid IT’s importance. 

Do You Need to Address Every Unplanned Downtime?

By Greg LaBrie |   Sep 19, 2017

Many technology solutions pride themselves on reducing an organization’s instances of unplanned downtime, since this can be a big drain on company resources and productivity. That’s why IT managers may be surprised to learn there is a happy medium somewhere between unacceptable downtime and zero downtime.

Hybrid IT: How to Loosen Your Reliance on Traditional Hardware

By David Fafel |   Sep 12, 2017

Have you heard about the benefits of hybrid IT? In the world of technology, there was a time in which IT drove business needs and the organization was pressured to keep up with its speed. An obvious example was the proliferation of the internet in the 90’s and the integration of shared resources through Ethernet. These technologies launched new paradigms in the same way that the cloud and the progression of software defining the data center are doing so today.

WEI Named #2 "Best Companies to Work For” by Business NH Magazine

By Greg LaBrie |   Sep 05, 2017

Did you know WEI is a great company to work for? In addition to providing standout technology solutions to our clients and partners, we also go above and beyond when taking care of our team members! We’re proud to share that WEI came in an impressive second place out of hundreds of entrants in our inaugural entry in Business NH Magazine’s prestigious 2017 Best Companies to Work For in NH list. [click to tweet] The award honors our commitment to a great company culture that showcases respect, diversity, volunteerism, charity and community involvement. Read on to learn more!

Why Do I Need Disaster Recovery as a Service?

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 29, 2017

Have you heard about Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)? It’s a hot new buzzword, but is simpler than it sounds. If you want to keep your organization’s data safe from threats, both criminally perpetuated and natural, read on to find out why you should invest in DRaaS today.

Stop Ransomware in Its Tracks with These 5 Tips

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 22, 2017

Did you catch our previous advice for avoiding and containing ransomware? Today’s digital businesses are facing this pervasive threat like never before, and there are a wide variety of security tactics that can improve your security strategy. Keep reading for five more tips that will help you avoid a destructive ransomware attack.

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WEI is an innovative, full service, customer-centric IT solutions provider. We're passionate about solving your technology challenges and we develop custom technology solutions that drive real business outcomes.

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