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Why Cisco ACI is the Catalyst for IT Transformation

By Josh Cronin |   Nov 17, 2016

Writer's note: Every Thursday in November and December, this blog will highlight the SDN solution, Cisco ACI. As market acceptance and adoption increases for SDN, IT professionals can count on WEI to fairly evaluate the market leading SDN solutions available today.

The digital transformation of our economy today has paved the way for multiple disruptors that are altering entire industries and markets. The induction of disruptive organizations such as Uber and Airbnb are introducing new paradigms that are threatening traditional business models and longtime industry leaders. There is one thing in common with disruptors such as these. They leverage assets. Whether it be a car or an extra bedroom, these two mentioned disruptors harvest additional value from these assets which in turn adds revenue streams. Suddenly a car is no longer an expense—it becomes a profit generating machine.

Why SDN Matters for the Digital Workplace Transformation

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 10, 2016

Writer's note: Every Thursday in November and December, this blog will highlight the SDN solution, Cisco ACI. As market acceptance and adoption increases for SDN, IT professionals can count on WEI to fairly evaluate the market leading SDN solutions available today.

Software Defined Networking, SDN, is a true buzzword in IT circles today. It is promoted as the panacea for the great challenges that face IT today. This technology can lead organizations into the digital transform ation that is occurring on a global scale and that is disrupting entire industries and organizations of all sizes. The premise of SDN is simple, transform the rigid data center into a fluid agile software defined framework that will give organizations the agility and flexibility to instantly react to conditions, and implement automated deployments based on real-time resource demand.

5 Industry Predictions for SDN

By Greg LaBrie |   Aug 30, 2016

The information technology market is demanding software defined networking (SDN). It’s a whole new paradigm that is not only the next natural progression of networking, but a simple way for IT leaders to control their networking environment and keep up with the lightning-speed rate of technological change that the industry is facing. Ever increasing workloads, the need for a flexible environment and more robust business activities have IT leaders begging for a new way to manage them; this IT revolution (as we have coined it) is called software defined networking.

Debunking the Top 4 Myths of SDN

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 09, 2016

Software Defined Networking is a revolution that is now upon us; and whenever a revolution occurs, consistent with human nature, there is always a hearty dose of revolt first. Revolt to new ideas and concepts shows up consistently in our human history, with IT being no exception.

Software Defined Systems: 5 Major Benefits to the Enterprise

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 02, 2016

Are you considering migrating to software defined systems to automate just about everything in your infrastructure? A software defined system uses software to automate and virtualize the main components of your IT architecture: Compute, Networking, and Storage. There are a number of benefits of software defined technology and today we will highlight five major benefits—we call them the 5 A’s.

3 Reasons Why the Market Demands Software Defined Networking

By Greg LaBrie |   May 26, 2016

Software Defined Networking is a new paradigm. One that is emerging in data centers around the world. It is not simply because it is the next natural progression of networking, but rather the market is demanding a modernized infrastructure to keep up with the pace of technological change. Let’s explore 3 (although there are several) market drivers begging for the salvation that SDN provides.

Software Defined Networking Explained

By Greg LaBrie |   May 17, 2016

Software defined networking (SDN) has emerged as a versatile, budget-friendly and dynamic architecture that allows IT managers to respond quickly to business demands and manage cloud networks in a central environment. It’s a new revolution in IT that can help propel your business ahead of the competition and deliver an impactful change. Surely you’ve seen that SDN can provide many benefits, but like any new IT project, you should make sure you are well-versed in the approach before deploying a new strategy.

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