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Internet of Things Predictions for 2016

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 02, 2016

The internet of things, and the promise of innovation that it is deemed to bring, may finally transition from being a popular buzzword to reality in 2016. In a recent story on Flarrio that featured opinions on the future of the internet of things, WEI Chief Architect, Dave Fafel, shared his predictions for the evolving IoT in 2016. Here’s what he had to say:

“IoT in 2016 will be about distributing sensors everywhere-sensors to collect data for analytics and control purposes. 2016 will also be the year IoT makes dumb devices smart!”

The Internet of Things and Business Applications

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 13, 2015


The Internet of Things (IoT) may have been a far-fetched dream in the past, but it is quickly becoming revolutionary and lucrative in the present. Businesses, citizens and even governments are adopting IoT into their lifestyles by connecting devices and products together and controlling them remotely. The Internet of Things has almost limitless applications, from every aspect of business to healthcare, controlling the home environment and even growing plants.

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