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3 Reasons Why the Market Demands Software Defined Networking

By Greg LaBrie |   May 26, 2016

Software Defined Networking is a new paradigm. One that is emerging in data centers around the world. It is not simply because it is the next natural progression of networking, but rather the market is demanding a modernized infrastructure to keep up with the pace of technological change. Let’s explore 3 (although there are several) market drivers begging for the salvation that SDN provides.

Big Data Solutions vs. Traditional Data Warehouse

By Jay Cardin |   May 12, 2016

Organizations are currently faced with a cloud computing dilemma: should you use big data solutions or stick with the traditional data warehouse? If you choose the wrong platform to handle your company’s workload, you may find yourself shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars in frivolous fees. Let’s take a look into what big data and the data warehouse can offer to help you determine which option is right for your organization.

What is Your Enterprise Mobility Strategy for 2016?

By David Fafel |   May 10, 2016

Mobile technology is reinventing the workplace. As more and more companies institute a work from anywhere policy, and with the proliferation of mobile apps and interconnected devices, the workplace is moving far beyond the traditional office setting.

Advice for Implementing a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

By Greg LaBrie |   May 03, 2016

Is your company leveraging the advantages of hybrid cloud? A “happy medium” between private and public cloud options, the hybrid cloud allows IT leaders to use services and resources from third-party cloud computing providers in a partial manner curated to fit their needs. They can design a custom strategy using only services they desire while gaining the benefits of both public and private models.

3 Tips for Reducing Cloud Costs

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 05, 2016

Cloud computing offers a new avenue for companies to cut costs and save on their IT expenditures, but choosing the wrong service provider can result in a serious hit to the company wallet. To avoid “sticker shock" in the cloud, read on for tips for reducing your cloud computing costs.

6 Tips for a Successful ITaaS Transition

By David Fafel |   Mar 17, 2016

Getting your team up to speed in your ITaaS transition can seem daunting with all of the major changes that look and feel different from original protocol, but ultimately the process boils down to careful planning and thorough communication. While change always starts at the top, an effective transformation will depend on the enthusiasm of your workforce, and their willingness to embrace new ways of doing things. For a step-by-step guide that will lead you through all of the important steps of this process, check out our whitepaper, Making the Transition to ITaaS. But for starters, the following tips should position your organization for a successful transition to ITaaS.

3 Common Cloud Security Mistakes

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 15, 2016

Not long ago, many organizations were reluctant to adopt cloud technologies mostly due to concerns about security and loss of data control. After all, the traditional approach to network security is heavily focused on protecting the network perimeter. How do you do that when the Internet is being used to interact with applications, services, and data? It’s no surprise that enterprises were a bit unsettled with the idea of sharing the responsibility of security and privacy with cloud providers.

Internet of Things Predictions for 2016

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 02, 2016

The internet of things, and the promise of innovation that it is deemed to bring, may finally transition from being a popular buzzword to reality in 2016. In a recent story on Flarrio that featured opinions on the future of the internet of things, WEI Chief Architect, Dave Fafel, shared his predictions for the evolving IoT in 2016. Here’s what he had to say:

“IoT in 2016 will be about distributing sensors everywhere-sensors to collect data for analytics and control purposes. 2016 will also be the year IoT makes dumb devices smart!”

The Internet of Things and Business Applications

By Greg LaBrie |   Oct 13, 2015


The Internet of Things (IoT) may have been a far-fetched dream in the past, but it is quickly becoming revolutionary and lucrative in the present. Businesses, citizens and even governments are adopting IoT into their lifestyles by connecting devices and products together and controlling them remotely. The Internet of Things has almost limitless applications, from every aspect of business to healthcare, controlling the home environment and even growing plants.

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