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Using Containers? Here are 7 Benefits of Visibility Tools.

By David Fafel |   Sep 06, 2018

Why Containers

Containers are best known for their role in simplifying application development, providing a disposable, reusable unit to modularize delivery, and bring consistency to virtually every development stage. They have demonstrated an ability to move DevOps forward by transforming the way development and infrastructure teams operate, and they have helped these teams move ever closer to continuous delivery. However, managing containers presents an entirely new challenge for most organizations. Containers, by their very nature, rely on shared resources. These may range from operating systems and application files to hosting resources including memory and CPU. When left unchecked, container use can lead to sprawl and may result in resource drain. With hooks into so many different areas, there is a strong incentive to know precisely what these containers are doing, what resources they are consuming, and how they are utilizing the network.

10 Steps To Prepare for Containers [Infographic]

By David Fafel |   Aug 23, 2018

Containers are the next level of virtualization and they are here to stay. There are many reasons enterprises adopt containers. The top three reasons include:

3 Challenges and Benefits of Cisco Tetration

By Josh Cronin |   Jul 19, 2018

In last week's post we discussed the Cisco Tetration Analytics Platform—what the platform is and how it integrates with the modern enterprise. We talked about how it supports a “Zero-Trust” security model and explained the story that ties in with its creation with an interesting use case involving Cisco and WEI.

Achieve 100% Network Visibility with Cisco Tetration

By Josh Cronin |   Jul 12, 2018

How much visibility do you have into your organization’s network? How confident is your IT team in its ability to accurately map out the network, which is a necessary step in data center migrations. According to a white paper from IDC, a mere 18% increase in network visibility can improve security breach preventative measures by over 40%. Many organizations know there are devices on their network that are unaccounted for, but many do not have a way of even guessing how many devices that is, let alone strategizing how to secure them.

4 Tips for an Enterprise Storage Performance Checkup

By Michael Thweatt |   Jul 10, 2018

When was the last time you gave your storage solutions an in-depth and thorough review? Whichever enterprise storage solution you use for your organization, it’s important to make sure that the brain of your operations is working smoothly and data is flowing where it’s needed, when it’s needed.

6 Hybrid IT Skills your Team Needs to be Successful

By David Fafel |   May 22, 2018

The ability of an enterprise to keep up with changing technology depends on the skills of its IT employees. The pace of innovation can be overwhelming even for the most experienced professionals, but this isn’t the only challenge organizations face. As companies understand the importance of digital transformation and take it on within their company, the demand for IT professionals with the required skillsets to transform legacy driven data centers into hybrid infrastructures is skyrocketing. As a result of this move towards hybrid IT, the demand is outpacing supply.

Qumulo – Because Data Storage is not Created Equal

By Jay Cardin |   May 15, 2018

Think about how much data your company created in 2016. According to IDC, the world collectively created about 16.3 zettabytes (yes, a zettabyte is a billion terabytes). They also predict that the world will create 10x that amount by the year 2025. Approximately 90% of that data will be stored in file and object storage. While consumers have traditionally created the bulk of the data up to now, enterprises will create 60% of the world’s data in 2025. At that time, ten percent of all data will be created by IoT. This brings with it a number of challenges as a result of this exponential growth.

How to Prepare Your Enterprise for Containerization: Part II

By David Fafel |   May 08, 2018

Last week we began a discussion on the steps you need to take to prepare your enterprise for containerization; now we continue the conversation with the rest of the actions you need to take before you can deploy a containerized approach.

What the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Can Mean to Your Company

By Shane Garrett |   May 03, 2018

Goldman Sachs describes the Nutanix software-driven enterprise cloud as a “once-in-a-decade infrastructure story.” Goldman Sachs does not toss out lofty acknowledgements like that haphazardly. Their research shows that companies are moving to hyperconverged systems to escape the legacy silo dominated IT infrastructure of yesteryear that is holding them back in a dynamic digital world. They see Nutanix as being a large benefactor of this movement due to its leadership and innovation. Nutanix and its Enterprise Cloud solution are positioned for success. This is further substantiated by Gartner, who recently recognized Nutanix as a leader in its magic quadrant for Hyperconverged Infrastructure. 

How to Prepare Your Enterprise for Containerization: Part I

By David Fafel |   May 01, 2018

Have you heard the term “containerization” thrown around a lot recently? It’s a hot topic in the IT world, but what exactly does it mean and how can you prepare your enterprise to take advantage of what it has to offer? Continue reading to learn all about it and the steps your enterprise needs to take to deploy containers in your organization.

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